Flying out to SaaStr Annual

Andrew Mahood
Behind Taskfeed
Published in
2 min readFeb 5, 2018

It’s Monday 5th February. This morning I dropped my little boy off at nursery then headed to the airport. I’m flying to San Francisco for a week of SaaStr Annual and customer meetings.

SaaStr Annual, I’m told, is the largest non-vendor hosted B2B SaaS event. It will be my first time at SaaStr. I was told to attend last year but we were not in the place right then. Last year the company was just becoming a business having grown from just me to me and Shaun. Over the last 12 months Taskfeed has grown to 7 of us so we are ready for lessons to continue growing. Also I’ve become more aware of Jason Lemkin having started following his stuff around this time last year. Today I am quite excited and feel the event will help us figure out that next stage of growth. That being said Im still not really too sure what to expect. I get the feeling it’s all about networking.

Earlier in the week I noticed an invite on the events Facebook group for a founders dinner on the Monday. In the spirit of networking I threw my name in. So, when I land I’ll take a couple of customer calls (mix of sales and support) then head out to meet a bunch of strangers. Wish me luck.

So on the plane I watched Blade Runner 2049 (doesn’t work on tiny screen), Goodbye Christopher Robin (had a few tears in my eye) and Paddington 2 (also made my cry — it’s unusual for me to be easily moved by films — and in my defence I was told people cry easier on planes). I also listened to From Impossible to Inevitable by Aaron Ross and Jason Lemkin. I’m a huge fan of Predicable Revenue (Aaron’s earlier book) and SaaStr is Jason’s party so thought it would be rude to turn up without reading his book.

P.S. if you are in San Francisco attending SaaStr drop me a note.



Andrew Mahood
Behind Taskfeed

Founder of Taskfeed. Customer Onboarding Project Management for Salesforce.