Pillar Project
We are accustomed to waiting long periods before we find out more information regarding the next update for our favorite projects. Fortunately for us, most projects are open-source. Therefore, we can comb through a project’s code and see what is in store for a later update.
Note: Information in this article is my speculation of the interpretation of the code for the Pillar Project. All information is open-source and accessible by anyone.
Last week, we saw a glimpse of what Pillar is working on, but is there anything else in the code that could help us speculate more on what is going on? Lots of new commits are in the smart-wallet-SDK, the upgraded version of the current wallet, but not released at the moment. Currently, the project has come under pressure with some serious FUD. These individuals are speculating the price of the token instead of looking at the developments thus far. So, I decided to look through the code and see what might be happening.
Before we go in the code, let us look at some stats. Between May 9, 2019, and June 9, 2019, we had “9 authors have pushed 91 commits to develop and 259 commits to all branches. On develop, 157 files have changed, and there have been 10,622 additions and 5,757 deletions”. Submitting developments they have around 22 individuals, all ranging in various amounts. Some of the contributors should be mentioned because of the amount they have contributed. Jsidorenko has 432 commits, Vyvil with 384 and Poocart with 302. We know the new Smart Wallet will be coming later this year, but can we speculate what is going on behind the scenes before any official announcements, YES!
In the folder “screens” you can see many other sub-screen folders. Can we expect to see these new “screens” in the Smart Wallet? I think so, but some may be limited to specific regions. A few of the folders stuck out ICO, ICO Links, Marketplace Coming Soon, and Referral. We have been waiting for some of the features promised in 2017, and it looks like we’re on the cusp of getting them, and being patient could pay off dividends.
In the ICO folder, we can see something brewing. The “ICO Card” might be the gateway in the Pillar Smart Wallet to invest in companies-projects looking to get funding via ICO sales. In the code, you see things like “Participate in ICO Flow and ICO Links.” It appears that the individuals running the ICO will be able to list their twitter and telegram handles. In the particular card for an ICO, you might see ICO data so that you can read about the ICO. Information like its website, whitepaper, total supply, locked amount, nationality restriction, ICO start/end date, limits on contribution, ICO phase, price, supported currencies and goals looks like it might be listed within the ICO card. It will be a unique time for the wallet because we now have the Utility for PLR token. So for you, price speculators right now may be the time to double down instead of lashing out in the Telegram room. Many ICO’s should be introduced on the wallet; it is easier to get funding this way rather than how it was done in the past. It will be possible for a large amount of cryptocurrency to enter the Pillar ecosystem, all requiring PLR token.
Another folder that is likely to couple with this one is the Marketplace Folder. It is possible that the Marketplace screen will be where you shop for ICO’s, then perhaps if you save it, etc. It may then be placed in an ICO tab for quick reference.
Fiat On-Ramp
What would be an easy way to get access to these ICOs — fiat on-ramp. We know that this has been in discussion for quite some time. I imagine it is an administrative nightmare, especially if it is to come to the U.S. I may have found something that can give us a glimpse of what could be the first bit of code for the fiat on-ramp. It looks like a robust framework for the beginning, but hey, Pillerista’s, we got fiat on-ramp code! Now we can only speculate when this code will be updated to the Smart Wallet.
Once we have access to buy PLR through the wallet, the sky is the limit!
Pillar Smart Wallet + ICO’s/Marketplace + Fiat On-Ramp…you can draw your conclusion how well these additions will improve the overall functionality of the wallet and increase the number of user engagements. We should be trying to keep the users active in the wallet for as long as possible, and this is sure to do it.
Referral System
We have heard for a while that there will be a referral system for Pillar. It appears, in this early stage of its development, that it has begun to take shape and we will get free PLR for the referral! Additionally, It looks like it will be able to share the referral across different social media platforms.
Toast Wallet
I am not too familiar with the Toast Wallet, but from the website, it states it is an open source XRP wallet. So, do you think that XRP may end up being put on the wallet? Alternatively, is the team using this for the userface?
*Vitor Py states that toast is actually used for the notifications in the Pillar Wallet. Sorry XRP fans.
Interesting things are in store for this project. If you have been in it since the beginning, it has been a wild ride. If you just learned about the project, congratulations!
More code updates to come.