China Sends Message to Trump Through Stock Market

The Chinese government is encouraging a bull run. Many will make money; but there is probably another agenda.

Lance Ng
Behind the Great Wall


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What are the ingredients needed to dominate the world? The biggest economy, a powerful military, and financial markets that control global capital.

China knows this. And it is working hard to overtake the US in all three.

The US knows this, and Trump has been playing hardball to prevent it from happening.

Moving the war from main street to Wall Street

We are all familiar with the phrase “Make America Great Again”. It was Trump’s campaign slogan during the 2016 presidential elections.

After he was elected, he sought to make that happen by blaming China for trade imbalances and ‘stealing’ American jobs.

That led to more than two years of a bilateral trade war, which finally resulted in China signing a deal in January 2020 to buy US goods and services and crack down on objectionable practices.

Unfortunately COVID-19 interrupted the victory dance for Trump. By June the American public was focused on how badly he had handled the pandemic in the US.

