An Ally in Times of Crisis: Bob Dylan’s Contribution to the Civil Rights Movement

David Thurman
Behind the Lyrics
Published in
9 min readJun 14, 2020


Amidst the political climate of today, many might reminisce of past movements and those who led the charge. The names of leaders such as Douglass, King, Tubman, and Malcom will continue to ring out throughout history whenever civil unrest and oppression emerge in society. Among these leaders is another who rarely garners consideration when discussing such influential activists, but has justified his presence alongside them all the same: Bob Dylan.

Dylan has become widely recognized as one of the greatest lyricists to ever live. His music revolutionized not only the folk scene of the 1960s, but the entire industry itself as it went on to inspire artists including The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Bruce Springsteen, David Bowie, and countless more. However Dylan’s fame arose not only from his talent with a pen, but in his ability to inspire an entire generation through one of our nation’s darkest times.

With a civil rights movement happening alongside war on multiple fronts, Dylan’s ability to wrestle an entire nation’s predispositions and outdated notions stands as a testament to the support any of us can offer regardless of race. When we find our fellow men in dire times such as these, taking a look at how past leaders offered their help with the same problems we face today can…



David Thurman
Behind the Lyrics

Software Engineer at LinkedIn. I enjoy writing about software development, music, and philosophy. Email me at: