Captain’s Blood: Kirk’s Kid is Not What I Expected

Brandie Course
Behind the Times
Published in
2 min readFeb 3, 2015

Captain’s Blood (Star Trek: Totality #2) by William Shatner, Judith Reeves-Stevens, Garfield Reeves-Stevens

Published December 9th 2003

Spock is assassinated and James T. Kirk, with the assistance of Captain Will Riker and Captain Jean-Luc Picard, sets out to investigate the murder.

Some Questions

  • Regarding the description of Kirk and Teilani’s kid — what in the world was Shatner thinking when he came up with the idea for Joseph? I think I understand the effect he was going for, but why does the kid have to have only three fingers and a thumb on each hand???
  • Since when does Kathryn Janeway fence?
  • What’s up with the hyphenation every time Joseph says “Dad”? It’s always written “Da-ad” or “Daa-ad”. That’s really annoying. At first, I thought it was supposed to mimic the way teens address their parents when the parents have done something to embarrass the teen, or when otherwise pleading with the parent, but it’s written too often here, and though the uses aren’t necessarily out of place, the frequency makes them annoying.

Final Thoughts

As I’d hoped, this book was better than the first in the series. Much of that can be due to the fact that it didn’t take that long for the action to begin. I’d already begun reading Captain’s Glory, the last book in the series, before going back and reading the first book, so I’ve already had a sneak peak of what’s to come. I’m certain that I’ll enjoy the final book, particularly because now I know the backstory.

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Originally published at on February 3, 2015.

