You are the greatest source of Inspiration.

Tracy Ly
Behind The Words
Published in
1 min readJun 15, 2024
You are the greatest source of Inspiration.
Author’s Image

You are the greatest source of inspiration,

Inspiration is the greatest force when it comes within.

Inspiration is not the book you read,

Inspiration is not the movie you watch,

Inspiration is not even the mistake you make,

Inspiration is not the life you’ve lived.

Inspiration is the deepest source within you,

Catching up with the frequency that vibes around you,

Have you ever read a book,

And the words somehow touch your heart?

Or the thought that lingers in your mind?

You can never feel anything, that has not already been there,

Within you.

The word, the thought, the movie scene —

No, those are not the greatest sources of inspiration.

You are the greatest source of inspiration.

The way you live your life,

The way you embrace yourself on those darkest nights,

The way you wear your trauma on your sleeves,

The way you endure the heartbreaks,

The way you carry yourself,

The way you love yourself,

Look within,

Seek within,

You are the greatest source of inspiration.

Thank you for reading 💛

My name is Tracy Ly, the author of Oncloudcyy’s Newsletter.



Tracy Ly
Behind The Words

World Championship Day-dreamer who turns thoughts into words, from the mind to the heart 💛