Behodler Development Update — 22nd March

Josh C
Behodler Liquidity Engine
3 min readMar 22, 2022

C4 Audit:

The code4rena audit contest is drawing to a close. Overall this was certainly a positive endeavor albeit the effort required internally was heavily underestimated. The preparation prior to the audit, in particular, formatting the smart contracts in NatSpec and the review process of submitted issues took priority during the month of February.

In total 39 wardens contributed to the contest, which yielded 33 unique vulnerabilities, 31 gas optimisations, and 10 non-critical recommendations.

Of these vulnerabilities, 7 received a risk rating in the category of HIGH severity, 14 received a risk rating in the category of MEDIUM severity, and 12 received a risk rating in the category of LOW severity.

A detailed breakdown of each finding will be made available shortly. At the time of writing, the mentioned report is under review.

Behodler has learned from the audit process with C4, and we’re confident that future audits will be a smoother journey.

Ropsten Testnet:

Deploying Behodler and Limbo to Ropsten Testnet has not been without its challenges. In a counter-intuitive way, one might see why “Test in Prod” is the go-to method — it is hard to replicate mainnet deployment, all the various protocols, and on-chain activity in a testnet.
Regardless, the intent was clear, and a number of technical challenges needed to be addressed in order to proceed.

  • Ropsten Node. Various third-party Ethereum node providers were tested before finding one that covered our needs — Many headaches later, and Behodler has its own dedicated node.
  • Nonce Management. Additional code had to be written to manage transaction nonce solely for Ropsten testnet purposes. For mainnet, this would be taken care of by a wallet provider.
  • Tweaking and dialing in the deployment script. This will save a lot of Eth, time, and frustration when it comes to mainnet deployment.

In terms of functionality, Ropsten Limbo also had an upgrade to serve its intended purpose even more efficiently. Following some discussions on Discord and a great deal of coding by Justin, a scenario framework was developed which allows the community to suggest/write test cases for Limbo. These “cryptoeconomic wargames” can then be run to test the suggested hypothesis and make informed decisions and adjustments moving forward.


TheGraph is ending the free service they currently offer and have requested that Behodler migrates to their new offering which is a paid service based on consumption — graph requests per second. We are exploring our options with GRT as well as other services.

Moving forward:

In preparation for Limbo mainnet launch, a number of tasks must be completed

1. Finish PyroTokens v3, a critical component of Limbo and future Behodler
2. Flan Genesis event — We hope you’re all still hungry
3. Integrate Limbo UI
4. Complete audit fixes
5. Deliver article explaining migration cryptoeconomics along with refinements to the UniswapHelper contract

The above steps are crucial in order to deliver a robust Limbo, the goal of which is not only to span an infinite number of tokens on Behodler but to drastically increase TVB and residual liquidity. Once we achieve a robust Limbo on mainnet, we will utilise our marketing budget to inform the world of Behodler’s existence, innovations, and the value it will bring to DeFi.

We would like to thank the community who have been, all things considered, extremely patient and constructive during these times of building. As you might deduce from our recent C4 audit, costing $108k in total, Behodler is being built to last in the space. Such complexity and depth take time to securely deploy and deliver but ultimately will be worth the wait.

Moving forward, your impassioned words have been heard. Community updates will be more frequent moving forwards, although we must try our best not to distract Justin from the work ahead, but rather support him through it, as a community.

As Limbo has gone from concept to dApp and certain revelations around its potential have come to light, the team confidence in Behodler is at an ATH, and we’re delighted that you’ll be joining us in its success.

Now… To the code cave!

