Behodler Update — 4 August 2021

Josh C
Behodler Liquidity Engine
5 min readAug 4, 2021

“An update is never late. Nor is it early. An update arrives precisely when Behodler means it to.”

Limbo Recap

If you’re new here and not sure what Limbo is, or if you keep hearing about it and want a firmer grasp on the concept, here is a brief overview. In short, Limbo will be the first community-governed and calibrated farm in DeFi. Holders of Behodler’s governance token $EYE, and $EYE LPs, will be able to fine-tune the pools in a way that best serves the ecosystem. There are two main types of pools: migration and perpetual. Migration pools are purely for listing new tokens and they set a threshold of staked value. When that threshold is reached, the migration process kicks off and all staked tokens are migrated to Behodler. The stakers are compensated in flan for the migration. Perpetual pools are similar to existing farms in DeFi and are simply to encourage lockup. For instance, we’ll have perpetual pools for SCX and EYE (and likely related LPs) so that holders of both can earn protocol-induced revenue.

There will be several other incentives that the community can toggle and all of this will be accompanied by much data gathering so that we can engineer the best farming experience in real-time.

A more in-depth overview of Limbo can be found in Justin’s recent development update.

Strategy & Development

Wen Limbo? The contracts for Limbo and LimboDAO are complete and are undergoing a thorough security review. Security is paramount to successful DeFi, so that sounds great, but what comes next?
Next is the smart contract development for the Flan genesis event which populates an external AMM with liquidity for Flan so that staking immediately has a real APY on day one.

“One of the most exciting implications of Limbo is that in time, it will be able to sustainably offer the highest APY on mainnet for tokens that usually receive very low returns.”

Exciting stuff! Are you ready for the post-Limbo Behodler Cambrian explosion?

Progress can be followed on Github, and also through announcements made by the team.

We mentioned earlier about migration pools on Limbo. These pools will be used for listing new tokens on Behodler. How do we go about choosing which tokens to list? Well, since Behodler is a single-contract AMM, we must ensure that the tokens we list are high quality. We opened up to the community to make suggestions on token listings (with such a list available here). Each token will undergo an auditing process to ensure that they are genuine and do not pose a risk to Behodler. For more information on what is required and how you can help please visit the Discord channel #token-listings section.


The Pooltogether community pool initiative has now awarded just under 30,000 $EYE to those community members participating in the pool. The Pooltogether initiative was launched to reward our community members that are actively participating in providing liquidity. On top of trading fees, our community of liquidity providers are also enjoying a weekly prize draw, and every week another person walks away with $1000 worth of $EYE. That’s a nice weekend bonus if I’ve ever seen one! If you want to participate in the pool and win prizes, as well as support Behodler, then the easiest way is to head over to this page and stake your ETH/EYE LP for a weekly chance to win at absolutely no cost to you.

We continue to work on potential collaboration and long-term relationships with other projects across the DeFi landscape. We’re in talks right now about an upcoming partnership which we are very excited about.

UI/UX Evolution

Our team of community developers is hard at work with the revamp of the UI/UX. This development work is being worked on in parallel with the development of Limbo and the LimboDAO. We plan on launching the new UI and rolling out Limbo at a similar time.

Specifically, developers are working on the Graph integration for live trading data, UI container, DApps navigation page, landing page, and swap module (which will likely enable all types of swaps as well as PyroToken minting).

If you haven’t seen the announcement already, check out this sneak preview of our landing page concept!

Marketing & Community

Community involvement has been picking up as of late, with a sea of new faces appearing in the Telegram. As we’ve always said, community engagement and outreach are so important for the success of any project, so thank you so much to those who are retweeting, liking, clapping, and engaging in discussion. Hell, thank you everyone who’s a silent member of the community too. We appreciate you!

On the outreach note, the team has conducted two AMA sessions, the first with Blockchain Infinity and the second with Blockchain Space. You can find a recap of each here:

Recap of Behodler’s AMA hosted by Blockchain Infinity

Recap of the Behodler AMA hosted by Blockchain Space 🪐

A big thank you to everyone who took part in the AMAs, and happy reading to anyone who missed them.

Twitter engagement is also picking up, and we are so delighted to see community members participating in our Twitter raids. Every like, retweet and comment helps spread the word about Behodler to a greater audience.

The team is working with an external marketing company that is advising on the marketing strategy to ensure that the launch of Limbo and the new UI/UX is a success. As always, if you have any suggestions of marketing channels such as particular Youtubers or Twitter influencers that we can reach out to, please send a direct message to Josh. Importantly, we believe that a successful Limbo launch will automatically attract in new community members who are interested in truly sustainable farming for incentives.

Get involved!

Thank you for your continued support during this time of building. If you are looking for the best ways to help Behodler, here they are!


Behodler has an active Gitcoin grant page to fund our talented team of front-end devs and to seed synergistic partnerships. So if you’re wanting to help support Behodler, feel free to check out our page and make a contribution here.


Jump in on that Pooltogether pool! If you hold ETH and EYE then you’re missing out on no-loss weekly prize draws! More liquidity on external markets is a big part of the Behodler model so it helps us too. We’re super excited about reaching our stretch goal of 2000 LP so that we can list EYE/SCX LP for even more weekly prize draws. We’re about halfway there now, and that is thanks to our wonderful community.

Direct support

A direct way to support the project is to buy $EYE or $SCX on either Uniswap or Adding liquidity on strengthens the project and mints SCX! Win-win.

Community support

Finally, join our Telegram or Discord chats. We have a really friendly community and would love to have you involved.

Author: Behodler’s favorite flying Cat.

