How to enter Behodler’s weekly no-loss prize draws

Josh C
Behodler Liquidity Engine
3 min readSep 11, 2021

Pooltogether is a fantastic initiative for liquidity mining. For those out of the loop, we now award weekly no-loss prizes on two separate pools: EYE/SCX, and EYE/ETH. $1000 worth of EYE is awarded every single week to a lucky liquidity provider in each pool (totaling $2000 worth). Due to the relatively low amount of liquidity committed thus far, the Behodler x Pooltogether pools have one of the highest EVs (expected value) out there at the moment, and it should certainly be taken advantage of by the community.

Providing liquidity and interacting with Metamask is something that some people can do in their sleep, for others unfamiliar with the process, it can be quite a daunting task.

In this brief guide, we’ll make it easy for you by outlining the steps, and telling you exactly what you’ll need to get in on this lucrative liquidity mining operation.

What you will need:

  • A wallet with access to the Ethereum blockchain
  • ETH in your wallet with enough gas for multiple transactions
  • Either EYE/SCX or EYE/ETH in your wallet with equal amounts in value
  • A can-do attitude and a burning desire to win EYE every week

Step 1: Choosing a Pool!

For EYE/SCX liquidity provision click here.

For EYE/ETH liquidity provision click here.

For EYE/SCX LP, you can skip right past the Uniswap step and save gas by getting it on directly.

Step 2: Follow the prompts.

Firstly, connect your Metamask to the appropriate wallet and log in.

Upon reaching the add liquidity screen, you’ll be asked to approve EYE & SCX (or whatever tokens you’re providing).

Click both approve buttons. For each button, you’ll be prompted by Metamask to make a transaction.

Confirm both transactions. Once the transactions have been confirmed on the blockchain, you’ll see a supply button in place of the two approve buttons.

Once you click it, you’ll be prompted again by Metamask. You’re almost there! Confirm the supply transaction. Once it’s been confirmed you could see a prompt to approve UNI-V2 on Metamask. Click it.

Congratulations! Your wallet now holds an LP token, which represents your collateral in the pool and allows you to earn trading fees.

Step 3. Pooltogether

Choose a Pooltogether prize pool!

For EYE/SCX liquidity providers click here.

For EYE/ETH liquidity providers click here.

Once you’ve selected the appropriate pool, connect your wallet to Pooltogether. Once logged in, you should see a screen similar to this:

Click the “Approve UNI-V2” button, you’ll be prompted by Metamask to confirm the transaction, confirm it. After that transaction has gone through the “Deposit” button should be enabled.

The final step! Click deposit, confirm the transaction.

Congratulations! You made it into the pool where you will be automatically entered into weekly prize draws with $1000 worth of EYE up for grabs. So kick back, relax and enjoy the holding of some of the highest quality tokens in the space, the accumulation of trading fees, and the weekly chance to win a very substantial weekend bonus. May the odds be ever in your favour!

