Life Lessons with F.R.I.E.N.D.S

Hepza Hart
Being a Fangirl
Published in
5 min readJul 21, 2022

So No one told you your life was gonna be this way ….? (Over enthusiastic handclaps 5 times)

Photo by Mahrous Houses on Unsplash

I am no Rapunzel, but I have pretty long brown hair that receives compliments on many occasions. Let me stand corrected I had.

Like all the earthlings out there, I was also the person who longed to do something new and wild when I felt out of my zone in life.

Hence a couple of hundreds of YouTube shorts later, I was pretty drunk, drunk on the thought of changing something in me. So I did.

I decided to get a Haircut, that won’t affect the length of my hair because I fancy it so much.

After a 30-minute haircut and one major miscommunication later, I ended up with medium-length hair that barely crossed my shoulders. Half of my hair was chopped down. I was a mess. A sobbing mess. WHY GOD? WHY?

WOAH, wait a minute. We are not here to hear your somber story, the cranky title seems to hold some good stuff” I hear you complaining at your screen. I am getting there, chill.

Let’s play a game

Never have you ever made a decision, influenced by a place or a person or your emotions that pretty much ruined your life? Rings any bell? Join the club.

One bad decision, One road trip, One single night. A lot can happen, and life can change upside down. The handprints such things leave on us kind of never go away.

Life’s like that sometimes– like that one episode where Phoebe gives Monica “The hair cut”

It’s not fair.

A Clip from FRIENDS

But let me break it to you, it’s up to you whether to mop around as a mess or own your scars with pride and move on with life. Who knows, perhaps it’ll become your iconic hairstyle, mine did 😉

The Nights are the hardest, but then the day comes, and that’s every bit as hard as the night.

I get it.

“Everyone I know is either getting married or getting pregnant or getting promoted and I am getting coffee and it’s not even for me” ~ Rachel Green

The breathless ranting, the complaints, all because of what? — Comparison

Comparison is a killjoy.

Scratch that, the Comparison is a Dementor. It will suck out every ounce of happiness left in your body, mind, and soul if you let it.

Thus next time you stare at someone else’s perfectly scripted Instagram post and start complaining about your life, DON’T.

If you feel low, use the Patronus charm. In the muggle words, think of the happy memories of your life. Things that you are grateful for.

Count your blessings, they say. Rejuvenating that old saying, Count your magic beans I’d suggest.

The good things are right under your nose. For example,

  • The supportive friends you have.
  • The Job that paid the bills in tough times.
  • Or like the coffee beside me keeping me up.

In the words of Clive Staples “Have fun even though it’s not the same kind of fun everybody is having”. You don’t have to do things because everyone is doing them.

Just like relationships. Kids nowadays are dating because everybody else is. God, I feel so old.

In terms of relationship advice, I am Chandler. “I am not great at advice, Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?”

Yet one piece of thought I can give you is, don’t beat yourself up because you are 30 and still single. Things happen to different people at different times.

Maybe your Monica is out there and Maybe she is still chasing after Richard thinking he is the best thing that could happen to her. Or vice versa Your Chandler Bing is running after Janice.

However, someday things are gonna change. Someday you are going to find that imperfect person who is gonna love you perfectly in every way. Someday your ship will be OTP. The best one per se.

Do you want a naked truth?

  • Things are gonna get better with time.

Let me do one better.

  • The best is yet to come. Your best days are still ahead of you.

Yes, The pain you are feeling now is unbearable and deeper than anyone can understand. but it can’t compete with the Joy that is coming. (Romans 8: 18)

Learn from your mistakes. As much as it sucks to hear those words, it is reality.

Stop pretending like everything is fine. it’s okay to fall apart for some time until you gather up all the pieces back and rise again.

Don’t convince yourself people got this easy, it’s only hard for ya. Lies.

Everybody’s life is messed up as much as yours. They are just pretty good at hiding it which will never help them to grow or heal inside.

A Wise woman once told me “Pretending like everything is fine, will never get you healed or let you anywhere ahead in life”

So refuse to feign you got it all together and ask for help. If you keep concentrating on building the I am perfect facade around you, you will fail to build your original self.

Every morning is a second chance you’ve been gifted with.

Every morning you get to make a choice. You can either live in regret or It’s your choice to stop dwelling in your past, Flush the pills, stop being an addict, and start fresh on a new day.

I know things are not gonna change overnight that’s why you have to take it one day at a time.

Cut your ropes with the lies you’ve been feeding yourself, the toxic relationships that have been a bad influence, and the habits that have been keeping you down. Cut — Cut — Cut — Cut — Cut.

End credits,

It may feel like your life is in pieces and pointless right now. But one day it will. One day All things will work together for good. One day.

The journey there might not be easy but it's like Monica said, “Welcome to the real world, It sucks, you’re gonna love it” :)

Hope this post made your day better a bit and helped you in some way. if it does give me some handclaps. Because it encourages me to write more.

If you like my posts, follow me for more exciting content. keep in touch with me on LinkedIn

Most of the quotes and lines in this post are from the TV Sitcom— Friends. So credits and thanks to David Crane, and Marta Kauffman for this legendary yet classic show.

Have a great day!


A girl with short hair



Hepza Hart
Being a Fangirl

Writer | Blogger | Nerd & Full-time Fangirl | In love with The Man who gave up his life for me| Here's my blog link -