5 Movies/TV Series to Fine-Tune Your English (Beginner Friendly)

My middle school teacher was wrong!

Hepza Hart
Being a Fangirl
6 min readOct 10, 2022


Photo by Pixabay from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/app-entertainment-ipad-mockup-265685/

Watching TV is no use, you are not gaining anything from it and it’s not gonna get you anywhere. she used to tell (well, yell at) us

But guess what? She is wrong.

Even as a kid, I used to obsessively watch TV. Scratch that who am I kidding I still do. And when you immerse yourself into another world like that, you can pick up a thing or two along the way.

That’s how I bettered my English in the first place. Which in turn helped me land my day job in one of the largest multinational companies.

I was a foreigner to many English words and pop culture references. I still am sometimes. Most non-native English speakers are.

But the Lockdown changed it. With the excessive amount of time credited to my daily account during the lockdown, I took a break from my Hamsterwheel routine.

I sat down and watched TV. A lot. Which unintentionally yet, fortunately, reinforced my English.

If I had to be honest, I learned a lot of new words and gained knowledge of the exquisite language in these 2 years more than I ever did in my 12 years of schooling.

Thus I am gonna suggest to you the Top 5 TV shows/Movies that assisted me so you can use them in your favor to develop your proficiency too.

Let’s start the surf.

5. Every Disney Movie/Show ever

Not gonna lie, as a kid, I grew up watching Power Rangers.

Disney was not my first preference. Yet as days passed my love for Disney stories got stronger. Thanks to stories like Frozen, Aladdin, and special mention to Tangled.

What? I Stan Flynn Rider. He is too hot to be a cartoon character.

There are some good Disney TV series, like Good Luck Charlie, Dog with the Blog, Girl Meets World, KC Undercover, and the list goes on and on. Trust me when I say they are addictive, I binge-watched Hannah Montana.

The good thing about Disney stories is they are inspiring and character-building. Thus at the end of the day, language won’t be the only thing you will be learning.

So yes, if you are looking for some Hollywood content without all the gore and Sex, Disney would be the best choice.

OTT source: Disney +, TV channel: Disney Internationa HD.

4. Welcome to the MCU

If Disney is Primary school, then Marvel is like middle school.

You’ll have the action, the enthrallment, and the chills minus the blood splashing and the insects coming out of the intestine. Well mostly.

I don’t live in the American continent. I never read a single Marvel comic book, and I am not aware that Fury had an Idea to put together a team of remarkable people.

But The Avengers Movie changed it.

I watched six strangers stand in a circle with their backs to each other and assemble for the first time as Avengers.

Now I am part of those million people who got goosebumps when Cap said Avengers Assemble for one last time.

Like Disney, Marvel is also a character Builder.

“With great powers comes great responsiblities” — Uncle Ben

Remember that? Yup, you can’t help but get the hero conscience and the weird confidence of “ you can do anything if you put your mind to it” running through your veins at the end of every movie.

As they are in Phase 4, the franchise does not only make movies but also series that will steal your heart for sure. I am binging Captain Carter now, tell me what’s your favorite in the comments.

OTT source: Disney +

3. Modern Family

This 11-season-long sitcom is a story of 3 American families.

The plot revolves around them as they strive and thrive in their bond with each other while moving on with their daily life as an almost Joint family.

Now that’s a story I would pay to watch.

Gloria Pritchett’s (Casting Sofia Vergara) Spanish Accent will lure your interest, If not for the chemistry between Claire and Phil Dunphy. I didn’t believe in the better half or soul mate stuff until I saw them. They are already on my couple goals list (WHAT??!).

This series — with its well-written dialogues and uplifting scenes, will make you laugh till your stomach hurts, and overwhelm you with a pinch of emotional touch.

The way it depicts the relationships will enable you to realize whether it’s perfect or not a family is a family, and it certainly does not end in blood.

“Family is family. Whether it’s the one you start with, the one you end up with, or the family you gain along the way.” — (Gloria, Modern family)

Also, I can guarantee you will pick up a couple of Spanish phrases and a hint of Columbian culture at the end. Adios Amigos.

OTT source: Disney +, TV channel: Star World HD.

2. New Amsterdam

Are you a Medical drama Lover? Are you into guys in scrubs? I got ya.

This NBC series revolves around the story of a public hospital in NY called, New Amsterdam. Focusing on the 4 heads of departments, and one Zealous Medical Director.

Max Goodwin’s optimistic nature towards his job and the tendency to help his colleagues will drive you wild, and leave you with a “You got this” attitude.

It was inspired by Eric Manheimer's book named — TWELVE PATIENTS: LIFE AND DEATH AT BELLEVUE HOSPITAL.

They adapted most of the episodes from true stories, thus in the language of rating people “it’s a tear-jerker”

Max’s catchphrase“How can I help?” will haunt you till your grave once you become a fan. As an added perk you get to learn new diseases and medical terms.

TV Source: Colours Infinity. OTT: Netflix


We passed the primary and middle school. Let’s save high school for teen drama and jump to adulthood,

Welcome to reality it sucks, you are gonna love it ~ (Monica Geller, Friends)

This 10-season-long American sitcom is the tale of 6 people in their early 20s dealing with an uncertain phase and in the end how they made it together with nothing much but each other.

At least once in your life, you should’ve heard of this classic TV series that stole millions of hearts. If not you need some new friends (see what I did there ?! 😛)

This heart-warming story pivots around 6 friends, 2 apartments, one coffee shop, and a great deal of fun.

Once you finish this, lobster just won’t be seafood, Mississippi won’t be just a state, and Friends shan’t just be a term to refer to a relationship.

From this, you can learn new English phrases, different accents, and vast knowledge about American culture. Hey if not, you can cross the “ Want to watch an incredible TV show” off your bucket list.

it’s Highly recommended!

OTT: Netflix, TV source: Comedy Central India

Bonus :

Learning could be a delightful dessert especially when you enjoy it with your favorite characters.

Learning English With TV Series — It is a YouTube channel that educates you on the phrases, punctuation, and meanings of words using the dialogues from movies and shows.

Shout out to them for making learning fun and no, this post is not sponsored by them. Do check out their channel.

That’s it, for now, folks. I hope you find this useful.

Yes ?!! give me some claps and let me know your comments. These choices are my top 5 personal favorites to get started as beginners to learn English.

Obviously, the pond is large enough for you to choose from & when you do, Do tell. Follow my publication if you wanna read more content like this.

Note: The OTT and the TV sources are based on the broadcast in the Indian Subcontinent, Perhaps it could be different for other countries.

Happy Learning!



Hepza Hart
Being a Fangirl

Writer | Blogger | Nerd & Full-time Fangirl | In love with The Man who gave up his life for me| Here's my blog link -https://hepzahart828.wixsite.com/umeandhim