Being a Fangirl

Hepza Hart
Being a Fangirl
Published in
2 min readOct 6, 2022

Being a Fangirl would include,

I’ve been a fangirl for almost my entire life and trust me when I say, it brought forth the writer in me. So what does being a fangirl exactly mean? Is it injurious to the heart or does it builds your character as an individual?

Scroll through and find out…..

  1. Staring into the distance and daydreaming about the story you read late at night.

2. Having high standards in relationships.

3. Always rewriting the stories you read, watch or hear in your head

4. Getting all giddy when someone mentions a name from your fandom, as a result receiving weird looks from the people around.

5. Using a perfect fandom reference and turning to Hi-fi someone on your achievement but only to frown when no one recognise them.

6. Have the itch to own at least only one of the fandom merchandise.

7. Defending your favorite characters when someone accuses them and threatening to use the third unforgivable curse if they don’t shut up.

8. The obsession with stacking your house with books and pinning fandom stuff on your wall.

9. Going to sleep writing fanfiction in your head.

10. Quoting a lot of movie/Book/Series references in your day-to-day conversations.

11. The Courtesy is not to judge anyone even though they seem dark, because you know they had a hard past.

12. Often being reminded that we live in a world, where the cupboards don’t have a secret passage or owls down pour letters down your chimney, rings are just rings, there are no dragons to your rescue and Avengers is just a rock band.

“Fangirl” is not just a Rainbow Rowell book (It’s an interesting book though, 100 % recommended)

Fangirling doesn’t only mean — Obsessive female individuals who are over-excited about fictional characters, it is a lifestyle.

Being a Fangirl would include — a variety of learning, having a unique taste, being a nerd, heartbreak, and betrayal of the author by killing your favorite, the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Being a fangirl means many countless things. And what would that be? That’s what we are gonna explore in the upcoming posts under this Publication “Being a Fangirl”

Go on don’t be shy, give some claps and let me know your comments.

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Hepza Hart
Being a Fangirl

Writer | Blogger | Nerd & Full-time Fangirl | In love with The Man who gave up his life for me| Here's my blog link -