Being a Woman:

Submission Guidelines

Do you want to be a writer for Being a Woman? Read the following article and make sure to follow all steps to be considered. ❤

Unassigned Female
Being a Woman
Published in
4 min readNov 25, 2021


First and foremost, thank you for expressing interest in joining our community! I am honored you want to write for Being a Woman.
Our publication’s goal is to bring quality and valuable content to our readers — we want them to learn something new.
Because of this, we have created this Guideline to make sure you have all the tools you need to be part of our community. We want to make sure we are the right fit for you and that you are the right fit for us! This way, you can grow your following/reach, and we can continue to bring the right content to our audience.

Let’s begin then, shall we?

Do’s & Dont’s

Let’s talk about what we are expecting from you:

  1. We want our audience to enjoy your pieces. To achieve that, you need to ensure your pieces can be read smoothly, meaning no grammatical, formatting, or spelling mistakes. Please (and I can’t stress this enough) read your piece 2 or 3 times before submitting it. There are many free tools out there to help you write the best version of your…



Unassigned Female
Being a Woman

I don’t want to be known by anything more than by my words and their impact on your life | Author of Words of a Daughter & Timeless Lover | January 1st, 2021