Why I love so much to be an entrepreneur

Yes. Love. Pure love. That emotion that makes you feel like everything was meant to be like this, everything is at the right place, and you are being spoiled with all the goodies in the universe. That’s what I feel about being an entrepreneur. You might consider me at least weird, but stick around, and you’ll find out why.

Valentin Radu
Being an entrepreneur


First of all, is not about comfort. Since I’ve started this quest, I’ve never had safety, compensations or bonuses. On the contrary. I’ve had days when I’ve had to pretend to go to some important meeting, just because I haven’t got enough money to have lunch with my employees. And days when I went to bed at 1AM to wake at 4AM.

You don’t have to see the same people every single day
I am meeting extraordinary new people every day. Not all of them are pleasant, but this diversity strikes me like watching National Geographic Channel. People are actually awesome in their own way, if you don’t take it personally, you’ll be able to see it yourself

You’ll always fight new challenges
I’ve just took a breath and look behind me at my trajectory and find out that my biggest limits when I was 20 are nothing compared to the ones I’ve just surpassed nowadays. And I am in my mid 30’s ☺

You’ll notice that people are secretly conspiring for your success
Most people are so afraid of taking this step, perceiving entrepreneurship like a huge, bungee jumping. So, when you’re around them, in the amusement park and see that you’re going to jump, they are your fans. They secretly want you to be successful, because in their own hearts would love to have this courage.

It’s one of the greatest form of self­building
I might say I am building a start-up in the area of conversion rate otpimization, Marketizator. But, in the meantime, I am building my own self. In the primary school, I was so shy that I’ve barely had the courage to talk to the girl next to me. Now I can speak in front of 300 persons, without hesitating a single moment. The key here is to open yourself. Don’t act. Just be yourself.

You’ll be your own sun. I don’t have to be a small wheel in some crappy enterprise which is making and selling shitty crap and spend millions to bribe smart advertisers to convince the masses to buy it and eventually become addicted by it.

You’ll understand that we’re in this together
This is like this because that is like that. You’ll always get what you give. Constantly focusing on adding value in other people’s life will bring back hugely so much more.

Safety will always be there for you.
You’ll always have the employee option. You’ll learn how to fall, so that you’ll understand that life it’s like a trampoline. What goes up, most go down. But you won’t feel that insecurity feeling that makes you run from the present moment in a bright future where you’ll have this and that.

You get so many extra­skills
You’ll be able to do networking. Pitching. Product development. Marketing. Sales. Business analyses. HR. Leadership. Public speaking. In this process, you’ll get so many skills that you’ve thought you can never have. You’ll discover many wonderful powers, hidden like gems inside you.

You feel like you actually made something on this planet
You’ve build your own toy, others are making a living with it and many others are playing with it and getting value from it. And if this one is not a cool toy, it’s just the bad prototype that helped you understand how to make the next toy the most outstanding toy was ever made in your area of expertise.

You’ll get extra­energy from others
Ok, you’ll think these are the outer limits. It’s just pure magic. Imagine the faces of dozens, hundreds or millions of people showing gratitude towards you, because you’ve followed your idea and your passion and made something that bring them value. Gratitude is the real fuel others are giving us.

Reality beats imagination
Think of Google, Zappos, Uber or other great company that’s around. Do you think their founders thought from the very beginning they will get there? There are endless possibilities that are awaiting for you to act. I’m at my fourth company so far. No outstanding results yet, but I know the game. I’m in the game. Enjoying it.

Your time it’s your time. And your time is your life
Despite the fact that I am sometimes a tyrant with myself, I always have enough time for me and the ones I love. I never work after 6PM or in week­ends. In total, I am taking about 6­8 weeks vacation per year. Every year I travel in 3 new countries I’ve never been before.

Money are important, but…
Compared to what you’ll earn, money will always be a bonus. Make sure you’re not here for the money, but for the show. The experience will worth millions and, maybe, if you’re inspired, you’ll get millions as a bonus. And, even if you’ve made a small company go there and thrive, you’ve played your part. You’ve build it with your own hands.

Last but not the least, at all
You’re choosing your teammates. And you’re gonna find people funnier than you, smarter than you, warmer than you and… younger than you☺ You’ll get incredible people that are mad enough to build near you, with less money, less time, but much more passion than working at an enterprise. And it feels like you’re suddenly have two families.

Wrote specifically for you, if you are still figuring out what to do with your life ;)

