Thesis that everything in physics connects to the spiritual domain

Being and Time
Published in
7 min readApr 27, 2024

Apr 24

I have another new analysis, or at least, a whole bunch of it; the world is full of connections between on the one hand physics and on the other hand “spirituals”, I love it; look at all this stuff below; it is both so simple but it makes the world so complete:

Basic segments of physics and psychology

time = will

space = representation

energy = emotion (quick)

mass = ratio (slow)

speed of light = speed of thinking

E=mc2 with c speed of light = Emotion=ratioxc2 with c speed of thought


left brain hemisphere = slow thinking (ratio)

right brain hemisphere = quick thinking (emotion)

left brain dominant = IQ 100

right brain dominant = IQ 200

IQ 100 = perceives 50% of reality

IQ 200 = perceives 100% of reality

98% and 99,6% on WAIS processing speed test uni Nijmegen May 2023 = IQ 196 to 198,2

IQ 196 to 198,2 = ability to see analogies like I make here

IQ 100 = half of 200, sees differences and difficulties all over the place

IQ 200 = double, sees analogies all over the place


IQ 100 = left and right politics, always struggle and divison

IQ 100 = very slow government formation

IQ 100 = Wilders against Timmermans

IQ 100 = Biden against Trump for humans:

Rutte and Zelensky political leaders = for me: clowns that should work in circus

for humans: good interview Putin and Tucker Carlson talking about Kiev Rus =

for me: Putin such slow thinker that he is 1000 years behind

IQ 200 = no idea why some people are left and some are right; I would suggest solution that matches the problem

enviromental problem = requires left politics solution; and quick! otherwise the world becomes unliveable; wayyyy too hot

asylum problem = requires right politics solution, otherwise world becomes a mess; fujjj!!!!!!!!


IQ 100 = division

IQ 200 = compromise

IQ 100 = war between Ukraine and Russia, endless deaths

IQ 200 = would promote quick compromise and “enjoy the summer” “enjoy life”

IQ 100 = Moscow and Brussels decide what has to happen in Ukraine, topdown approach

IQ 200 = ask the people on the ground in Ukraine what they want, bottom up approach

IQ 100 = technical solutions: weapons! money!

IQ 200 = referendum! compromise!

IQ 100 = authoritative, Putin! Vonder Leyen! Rutte!

IQ 200 = for the people, what do Ivan and Ivanka in Donetsk want? Russia? then give it to them

IQ 200 = and Ivan and Ivanka in Charkov? Ukraine? then give it to them


for normal humans Plato authority = amater for me

for normal humans Plato very smart to assess that everything is just appearance = I’d hit his head and he said “awtch”! of course wrong, idiot!

Schopenhauer: reality is fake = fool!! reality is real, can’t you simply read what the word “reality” says??????? back to kindergarten!

for normal humans Nietzsche authority = amater for me

very smart from Nietzsche that culture is ruled by Apollo and Dionysos = for me: who are these two clowns? brush up your language! you mean ratio and emotion

Nietzsche “eternal recurrence of the same” = me: evil wins? evil will always return!?!?!?!? idiot! clean up your language will clean up your garden, the good will prevail! Fuj!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


recently in NL an Ethiopian said that he is a Frisian = idiot! you are an Ethiopian

in NL you can change your gender, a man can say that he is a woman = idiots! of course not! a man is a man and a woman is a woman


for normal humans Dostoyevski authority = amater for me

for normal humans very smart that Dostoyevski assesses “if you’re allowed to kill a man” in 600 pages Crime and Punishment = I can solve this in one second: of course not! idiot!

analysis in Crime and Punishment: two death women = in my analysis: zero

very good writer Tolstoy = for me amater beautiful book War and Peace = for me only the technical part, the storyline is rubbish, poor Sonya Rostova!

Tolstoy: Sonya is sterile flower, good that Nicholas dumped her = for me Sonya is cool and Nicholas a jerk Tolstoy: nice that Nicholas helped Sonya with job as gouvernante of his kids = for me what humiliation! she has to take care of kids of his new wife! Fujjj!!!!!!!!!!!!

people might think that Tolstoy just made a mistake here = nope; Anna Karanenina even worse; Varenka could not even get a man and Anna yes, but pushed on the railroad track


Adam and Eve = prototype people with average IQ 100

Christ = prototype person with max IQ 200

Adam and Eve = all over the place

Christ = sitting here in the living room

Adam and Eve helpless = of course not, I’ll complement your world with this theory

usual atheists: God does not exist = me: what a nonsense, of course God exists, idiots!

usual people: difficult question whether God exists = me: easy as cake

nature in passive modus = physics

nature in active modus = God, simple as that

usual Christians: Jesus is not in sight, ds Van den Brink last New Years day: we cannot see Christ = me: what a nonsense, of course Christ exists!

ds Van den Brink: but we cannot go back with time machine to Israel first century = idiot! you don’t have to travel, Christ any given guy with IQ 200

Christ: not present for you = Christ: here in the living room

for you: Christ will walk over water = of course not, he walks like any other man, but he talks smart

for you: Christ raised from the death = for me: of course not, stop with your fantacies!! he’s just sma-ha-hart

polytheists: we see God all over the place = me: nope, just unique, as the dog on my lap

polytheists: we all can be Christ = nope, chance to be Christ as small as winning lottery, but you can all become Christians

Christianity and Islam

muslims: we have Islam = me: join Christianity

intelligence level Christianity 200 = intelligence level Islam 100

Christ central figure in Christianity = reduced to secondary figure in Islam

Adam as secondary figure in Christianity = returns as Moh-amad in Islam

Christ raised-from-the-death = Mohamed peace-be-upon-him

peace-be-upon-him = Mohamed: thanks for spreading monotheism in the past

Christ raised-from-the-death = figure for the future

Big Bang physics

Planck epoche = time 10^-43 s and energy 10^ 32 K

hypothetically extrapolate time 10^-100 = perhaps matches with energy 10^ 50 K

perhaps time 10^ -100 = 100% chance that an event as the Big Bang could happen

perhaps energy 10^ 50 = 50/50% chance that it would

perhaps no activity of God before Big Bang = otherwise He would have prevented it, as it also brought evil in the world

no activity of God before the Big Bang = activity of God after the Big Bang

evil in the world = God helps to get rid of it


Psychology for humans: about diseases = for me: about cognition

I visited Nijmegen Centre for giftedness as gifted kid = they don’t know what is giftedness

Nijmegen: difficult to measure giftedness, need couple of hours = me: nonsense can be measured by processing speed test, for example read a paper and quickly mark all letters “k” in for example couple of minutes

I was almost at the end of the sheet but looked at the instructor = this is weird, almost done and you did not yet say “stop”

people might say: this test is a very small basis = then make it more difficult; why not a known text and not search for “letter k” but “atypical words that show its source

for example the Gospel; I did a review of Mark 5 = I quickly notice “possessed” “Legion” “Gerasa”

intelligence = speed of thought

speed of thought = good quality of thought

in Mark 5 I quickly notice “possessed” “Legion” “Gerasa” = I can connect it with information on Wikipedia about a Roman Legion entering Gerasa around 66 AD, Gospel of Mark refers to events in that year, with as possessed man Vespasian

the first part of Mark 5 = looks very much like one of the psalms

Mark 10 refers to “a rich young man” = sentence looks very much like John 3 with “Nicodemus”

John 1 to 3 = looks very much like Genesis 1 to 3

I presented this to Nijmegen = they will not notice it and do regular tests

regular tests have risk of failure higher than IQ 130 = they will say your IQ is 130 rather than admitted the limited scope of their tests

when you present your work again = they are busy with someone else

measure 98% = 196 but conclusion 130 as they mess it up

if you become somewhat desparate = they refer you to psychiatrist: case solved

I visit as gifted kid psychiatrists = they cannot see giftedness and change it in excentricity, a word that means “all and nothing”

my mum last year: Henk and Ingrid have a kid who’s deemed to be gifted = me: what about yourself mum?

you are gifted too? = amai, you missed that part


people who shout the most, gain most followers = me: this is just a bubble

if I hit right in the middle with my previous tweet and this will spread itself = the bubble bursts

when normal people talk = for God this is as listening to chicken

Emine Ugur on Twitter = a chicken, even including head scarf

if the phone rings in office = internal stress for me, as people communicate not good

if I walk with the dog = I listen to birds

if people walk = they quarrel

my format of talking = “I see…” “do you also see…?”

their format of talking = “I think…” “but I think…!”

if people learn to communicate = less stress for me

if people learn to communicate = also less stress for them

if people learn to communicate = they can pay me for my work, less need to do boring job

if people learn to communicate = they don’t have to fight about problems, rather enjoy summer

