I am a mess

Fanny NK
Shani Awena Fanny
Published in
2 min readJun 3, 2019
Photo by Oleksii Hlembotskyi on Unsplash

These days, I do literally nothing.

I go to work, do what I must do, laugh, work and that’s it.

All the work I must do to follow my dream, none of them is done.

I had a “minor” setback on what was supposed to be my “prize”… my goal…

That thing you think: “ when I’ll get it, everything will just fall in place, I just need to grind until then”.

And then your goal kind of shatters or goes farther away.

So, basically I had a set back and then I lost faith… Eating clean, exercising, working on my projects … none of it is done. Worse, I go back to thinking things again.

I know it is very wrong, but self-pity in me is strong. I feel like I am suffering too much to make any effort. Which is kind of laughable as I have a roof on my head, good salary etc, but my heart feels empty.

I feel tired… Tired of not letting go. I have been to where I let go, and it is not a pretty place. Obesity, less of self love etc.

So no, I can’t go back.

And as I can’t go forth, I stand still, and let the days slip away. Waiting for good news, waiting for change, waiting for something to help me believe again.

I clearly know all this should be found inside of me, but I feel that’s fake. I should give it a try … I know I should….

These are the times where I think I should pray or meditate to find inner peace. I don’t know why the thought of inner peace within me makes me laugh. I am such a tornado in my feelings, in my attitude… I can’t picture me being “calm”. It causes anxiety when I think of it. Will I still be the same? will I still be me ? I love myself now.

And there it is …. I am afraid.

Afraid to change, afraid of the unknown, afraid to not be someone I can understand, control…

I am afraid to suffer, afraid to give it my all, I am afraid to change too much, I am afraid to let go and finally it doesn’t work. I am afraid to fail and so I stay still.

They say self-awareness is important, I am a masterpiece at self-awareness, but that won’t make me move one step.

And there goes the hitting my-self : I want the cake but not the hard work...

Either I do what must be done, either I shut-up but I am able of none.

So I live without living, letting time pass, precious time pass, hoping and wishing for change.


