9 Things Marginalized Folks and Allies Can Do in Light of Trump’s Victory.

Another list.

Joseph Cook
3 min readNov 10, 2016
  1. Consider creating social circles on your commute built around protecting each other from bigots who have been emboldened by Trump’s victory. There has already been an influx of news of hate crime across the nation. The least we can do is walk around in groups. It won’t stop their actions, but it’ll increase everyone’s chances of surviving. If you have Muslim friends, trans/LGBT friends, black friends, hispanic friends, please reach out to them and offer to walk, sit next to, commute with them.
  2. Check on each other. Listen to people’s fear about Trump. Don’t try to police their feelings. Let them talk it out and process their grievances as they need. Be a shoulder and an ear for each other. Don’t try to advise. Listen for understanding and show that you’re listening.
  3. Be intentional about your self-care. Set aside from your day to do something for you and you alone whatever that looks like.
  4. This might benefit some of you, go to the gym and lift weights. I do this and figure it could help most of you. Yoga, although I suck at it, is super effective at releasing energy. Feeling the power of my physical body is reassuring in light of how politically, economically, socially powerless I am. To add, it’s a great stress reliever and energy boost.
  5. Start new family and/or friends tradition built around facilitating joy. This tradition might look like setting up a safe space away from political talks and playing games. Eat some bad food. Have fun with each other. Laugh with each other. Metaphysically, no dictator can take away your ability to laugh.
  6. Call your parents and tell them you love them. Call your grandparents especially. I can only imagine the gloom they must feel. Go spend time with them.
  7. Check on your local activists and social media activists. There are some who have been fighting multiple battles for us on multiple fronts and it’s exhausting work. However, your check-in with them let’s them know that the people they’re still fighting for are still there and willing to fight too. Trust me. These are depressing times, but that simple act is powerful.
  8. Please commit to donating to groups that commit to fighting on behalf of marginalized people. Under Trump, federal grants are likely to decrease, so a lot of these organizations will face a much more difficult time gaining the money they need to continue working. Also, organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center, the Movement for Black Lives, and the like will face even more scrutiny and attacks. Be committed to help them endure.
  9. Consider donating to BeingBlackAtSchool. Our mission is to utilize data and policy analysis to foster a movement for schools that are safer and more equitable for Black students. Given how the number of hate crimes have spiked in schools around the nation, the work that BeingBlackAtSchool is necessary. Help us help us.

