Stopping Classroom Hate Can Start on Your Newsfeed

Utilize your social network while #DoingTheWork

Colin Page McGinnis
Being Black at School
3 min readDec 3, 2016


Since November 8th, our schools have been flooded with hatred and bigotry. It is time we take a stand for students and work to foster environments of respect and equity.

For many of us, our nerves about the incoming administration have only been exacerbated over the past month as the President-elect has been nominating a cabinet filled with racist, xenophobic, and homophobic views.

Any hope in the slightest that outrageous things said during the campaign were merely an election strategy have been thrown out the door, and advocacy organizations such as Being Black at School have begun preparing for the next four years, during which our work will matter more than ever.

Since November 8th, schools have become the #1 place where hate incidents have occurred, putting our most vulnerable students at risk for increased bullying, harassment, and threats from their peers and educators.

Bigotry in our K-12 classrooms was a troubling fact even before the election. However, to the extent that it strengthened after November 8th was not something we expected. At Being Black at School, we know this new reality requires immediate attention, and we have sought a coalition to address it.

Thus, partnering with our friends at The Respect Institute, we have developed the 100-Day Plan.

The 100-Day Plan is both a response to the incoming administration and a promise to protect America’s most vulnerable students. Since the election, our schools have been flooded with hate incidents. This plan is designed to make schools safer, to mobilize students to foster environments of respect and equity, and to help teachers be heroes in and out of the classroom.

The 100-Day Plan makes a promise to protect our Black, Latinx, LGBTQ, Muslim, Jewish, disabled students, and their allies. Not only will we seek to reinforce respect and equity for all in our classrooms, but also the 100-Day Plan empowers students, parents, educators, and their communities to get involved across the country.

Time and time again you are asking the Being Black at School team how you can be #DoingTheWork—today we have an answer. We need you to help us fund the 100-Day Plan. We need you to utilize your social network to raise funds, raise awareness, and take a stand for our most vulnerable students.

We will not let the rise of our next administration coincide with a downfall of respect and equity in the American classroom.

How to Creating a Fundraiser using Facebook’s New Tool

  • On the lefthand side of your newsfeed, look for the “Explore” tab and scroll down until you see “Fundraisers” or go to
  • Click “+ Create Fundraiser”
  • In the “Find a nonprofit to support…” box, search for The Respect Institute. All donations to The Respect Institute are tax deductible and funds raised from this year end campaign for the 100 Day-Plan will be shared equally with Being Black at School.
  • Create a title for your fundraiser and write a short description explaining why you support Being Black at School, The Respect Institute, and the 100-Day Plan.
  • Set the end date to 12/31/2016.
  • Set a goal amount you would like to raise. Consider starting at $250 or $500, you can always increase the goal amount later.
  • Click create and invite your friends!
Courtney Macavinta, CEO and Co-Founder of The Respect Institute, posted a great tutorial on how to set-up a Facebook Fundraiser on her page. Check out the video here if you want a step-by-step walk through!

Successful Fundraising Tips

At last months Gates Social, I had the opportunity to hear directly from Facebook’s Giving Team on what makes a successful fundraiser. Below are some of their tips to consider:

  • Tell a compelling story. Facebook will automatically populate sample copy for your fundraiser, but I recommend you write something authentic. Why are you#DoingTheWork? Share your story here!
  • Use visuals that will capture your message.
  • Set realistic goals. This one is HUGE for your fundraisers success. Set manageable goals, such as $250 or $500. You can always edit your goal once you meet that amount (and I suggest you do)!
  • Publicize your fundraiser and invite your friends.
  • Encourage your friends to not only donate, but start a fundraiser for Being Black at School and the Respect Institute of their own!

