Look • Listen • Feel

Aditya Bajaj
Being Father
Published in
2 min readDec 23, 2021
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Sitting in an almost empty cafe with no one else but us and baristas and music of Christmas festivity in background. With the warmth of yellow lights of a Starbucks cafe and chill of after rain from outside, I sip my Ice Latte and write this. Looking around one is certain to find random yet perfectly placed water droplets on the corner of the window and once again the feeling of upcoming festival. There are some starts on the tall windows. And, decorative Christmas trees, wrapped gifts on windowsill.

I also have you, my beautiful smart two months old son, Jr. Adi. He is safely and comfortably, at least to my satisfaction level tucked in his carseat with his favorite gray blanket. Even though he is only 2 months old, I am sure he can recognize his blanket very well. There is that kind of smile on his face when I put this blanket on him that one might feel being home after a long backpacking trip. It is wonderful to think that kids are sensitive and smart. They know what they want and what they like, and what they don’t.

I’ve witnessed him on multiple occasions being excited seeing something that has been with him since his arrival in this world. And, being curious to see something new.

I am no expert in being a parent and have no formal/informal education of being a good one. I decided to take it slow and naturally. And, so far it has been wonderful. I trust in God and I trust in mother Nature. not any less than I trust in my child. I know infants cannot speak the language like us. They cannot write or speak the words like us. But, I have marveled on their ability to communicate.

It is us, the parents, who need to learn their style of communication. And, it make time but it demands your attention and patience. Stop before thinking and deciding. Look — Listen — Feel. And, you’ll know. Their cries are different for different needs. Their hand movements are different for different requests. And, to know this requires us to Look — Listen — Feel.

And, this is just a little something that they can teach us about the life. Look — Listen — Feel. And, we might experience the life in a whole new way. At least occasionally and part of it.

With this little introduction of my Fatherhood — I am starting this new journey, new adventure, and a totally new life — with much hope, joy, and celebration in my heart; with some new perspective, approach, and patience in my life. My wish is to take you along on this journey through this journal, my fellow readers.



Aditya Bajaj
Being Father

Curiosity & Purpose-driven Product Builder. Passionate abt Agile, Design & Experience. I ❤ places, people, books, foods, stories. Proud Father👨‍👦