In All That You Have, and in All That You’ll Lose

I hope you find the courage to set yourself free

Katie B
Being Human
5 min readJan 29, 2021


Familiarity, easy and comfort are the greatest causes of remaining stagnant in situations, circumstances, relationships, that are meeting the mere base of our wants and desires.

Because in satisfying the most basic of our needs, it’s easy to settle; in the comfort, the safe, the security.

It’s easy to think because the foundational boxes are ticked, the deep desires must go unmatched. That, by still desiring them; you’re asking for too much, you’re not expressing gratitude, you’re unappreciative of having your basic needs met.

But in this life, don’t you want to experience more than baseline?

Don’t you want to experience what’s truly, deeply possible for you? Don’t you want to chase after your dreams deep in the trust that they can come true? Don’t you want to hold on to the belief that you’re so deserving and so capable of them?

It takes the bravest souls to assess the goodness in their life yet still know there’s more to come. Because in this life, you deserve more than good.

You deserve greatness.

In all that you have

Where you’re living, how you’re living, who you’re living with.

What you’re doing, how you’re doing it, why you’re doing it.

Whatever you have right now, it’s the makeup of your current season of life. It’s the existence and presence in the world you’re most familiar with, it’s your patterning and to some extent, your identity.

It’s what’s grown to be an almost second skin of you, that you seamlessly integrate into and associate yourself with. It’s what’s familiar, what’s comfortable, what’s your constant. It’s the bubble you’ve been living within, settling into, letting yourself grow to the extent of.

It’s all that you know to be yours. It’s all that you have.

And, believe me, I know how hard it is to cling to all that you have. Because all that you have is all that you have. And the thought of a life outside of that — of different opportunities, people, places; can be somewhat impossible to imagine.

Because in familiarity we find comfort, and the thought of straying from comfort in the search of the unknown goes against every instinct we have. So, quite often, we remain in the known, in the ease — and we coast.

Because when you’ve grown into a thing, perhaps a career, for example, after yearning after it for so long and it finally arriving — it’s jarring when the reality doesn’t quite match up with the vision.

But please know that a vision is just that: a vision. An image that you’ve conjured up in your mind without experience; but out of pure hope and adoration, believing that the best possible scenario will come to fruition.

Yet so often, the reality is often alarmingly different, and causes you to question whether your vision was ever actually achievable.

But, please know, unless you want it to be, this doesn’t have to be the extent of all that you have. It doesn’t have to be your upper limit.

Those visions you have — those dreams, they’re out there. And what you have right now may perhaps be a slither of that vision, but not the entity. And if you believe in your vision, in your hopes and dreams, I need you to know that they’re still possible for you.

But to follow your belief of bringing them to fruition takes immense bravery to walk away from the life you’ve currently got and trust in yourself to go in pursuit of he one you want.

It’s the ultimate act of self worth — to not be willing to sacrifice your dreams by settling for comfort.

But, in doing so, there’ll be losses.

And in all that you lose

Because your new life is going to cost you your old one.

In going in search of more, and in straying from familiarity, you’re breaking the mould and security that your old life offered, and welcoming in new.

You’re going to lose your comfort

And you’re going to have to be ok with the cliche saying of being comfortable with being uncomfortable. And, I can’t lie, it’s just as hard as it sounds. It’s instinct to cling to what makes you feel safe, to sink into ease, to stay close to all that feels right. And in going against all of that, against instinct, it’s one of the most uncomfortable feelings you’ll experience.

But I can promise you: it does get better. The discomfort is temporary — it can’t, it won’t, last forever.

And please find comfort in knowing that you’re freeing yourself up to find an even greater level of comfort, to something that’s more aligned to you than your past, than your present.

You’re going to lose things, people, places

In the pursuit, of new, better, more, in your life — you’re going to have to shed the things, or aspects, that kept you attached to your old one.

Which may well be a combination of some, or all, that is familiar in circumstance: career, people places. Because these are the biggest maker of our identity — they’re what offer love, protection, security, safety.

And they’re the hardest to shed.

But please know, that simply by identifying that these are all purely circumstantial, you aware of your control over their outcome.

Please free yourself of the belief that just because something, or someone, perhaps once aligned with you at a certain season of your life, that they must do so forever.

The biggest luxury and freedom-giving mindset to adopt is that in our life, nothing is permanent.

You’re going to lose limiting beliefs

Because the grass just may be greener.

If you’re taking the step towards change, you’re acknowledging that you’re deserving of more. Of something, or someone, that is more aligned with your needs, wants, desires — and by taking steps towards it, you’re showing the universe just how much you value yourself.

This is the ultimate pathway to a magnetic life in which you’re capable of attracting all that you deserve and desire.

I hope you find the courage to set yourself free

Please know that all your desires are waiting for you, and the only thing stopping you from acheiving them is yourself. I know how frightening it is to step away and into the unknown — it’s one of the hardest things you’ll likely ever do. But oh, is it worth it.

To cherish your desires and be unwilling to settle your one life for ease, and to never give up on your dreams is something so few are brave enough to do.

I just hope that you are.

Because in freedom, oh, how you’ll live.

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Katie B
Being Human

Re-humanising self discovery, relationships + living a life that’s authentic to you. INFJ / HSP.