Please Know That You’re Allowed To Rewrite Your Narrative

You don’t have to remain within a version of your life created by your past self

Katie B
Being Human
4 min readJan 17, 2021


Firstly, please know that wherever you are at in your life, you’re supposed to be there.

You’re supposed to be where you are, right now. Even though it most likely doesn’t feel like it. Particularly, if it doesn’t feel like it.

Because if it’s causing you pain, or discomfort, or unsettling, please know that you’re not alone going through this. And please know, if to offer some relief, that it’s temporary. This moment, this right here is one of the pivotal points in designing your future. It’s part of writing the bigger story that will become a new version of your life, a new version of you.

But the idea of having a new life, or starting a new life, is slightly hard to comprehend when in reality we only have, are gifted with, one very short and precious life. One in which there’s no way we can just press reset and have a do-over, despite the days where you’d wish for nothing but.

But a magical reset button isn’t the only way you can make a significant positive change in your life. Instead, we are gifted with the ability to rewrite our future before it’s even happened.

The past, up until now, is what’s shaped you. It’s what you’ve lived within, walked with, adopted as your own. It has been all that you know and the only version of your life as you know it — it has been you.

But if you’re even the slightest bit curious as to what it might be like to rewrite your narrative, to make big changes, to live a little differently than you are currently — then please know that you have everything you need to do so.

As I said, and as is so blatantly obvious, there’s no reset button with life. As much as you may like to, there’s no ability to take an eraser to those parts that haunt you, those parts that you wish weren’t part of your memories, that weren’t part of you, there just simply isn’t. Part of moving forwards onto different, onto better, is truly acknowledging and accepting that the things that haunt you are going to be part of you.

They happened to you, are part of you, part of your story, but don’t have to control you, your life, your choices, your actions. If you feel it is the right choice for you — you are allowed to process them, accept them, and leave them.

Above all else, please know: they don’t have to define you.

You are allowed to recognize that a life that you may have been living previously, or are currently living, may belong to an old version of you.

Because the old version of you may have needed or wanted different things to the current, or future version of you — and please know, that’s natural. That’s the most human thing about us.

As we grow, as we develop, as we learn and change and adapt and evolve — the things we want in our life will mirror it.

Something that may once have felt like a second skin to you, may no longer.

Relationships that once served and satisfied you, may no longer.

Jobs or careers that suited desires or aspirations or goals you once had, may no longer.

This unease that’s arisen and leads you to question it, while incredibly unsettling, is actually a sign of immense internal growth.

Whether conscious or not, growth has occurred, and the questioning and desire to start afresh is your internal compass preparing you for this change. It’s a sign that change, uprooting, and outgrowing must occur for you to step into a new version of yourself.

And within all this unsettling, please know that you are allowed to turn the page, turn the chapter, and start afresh.

You are allowed to choose your future. You are allowed to choose yourself. You are allowed to acknowledge your old life, your old version of you, without letting it consume or control your future self.

I need you to know that stepping into this new life, this yet to be written narrative, isn’t a one-pass, thing. Please know that you can reinvent and restart your story as many times as you see fit. There’s no limit to the number of times you can turn the chapter, start again, with a new perspective and new teachings to put to force. There’s no limit to self-discovery.

There’s no limit on self-love.

While it takes immense courage, bravery, and vulnerability to make a big change and recognize the things that once offered familiarity now cause discomfort, you are so capable of honoring yourself and your growth by detaching yourself from them.

You are allowed to outgrow and move on from anything that is no longer serving you, regardless of feelings you may have had towards it in the past.

This is your one life, and your ability to take total control over its narrative and make it one that truly serves you.

Please, don’t belittle your growth by remaining stagnant and unsatisfied in a life that no longer serves you.

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Katie B
Being Human

Re-humanising self discovery, relationships + living a life that’s authentic to you. INFJ / HSP.