3 Reasons Why I Don’t Post My Personal Life on Social Media

Some things are meant to be private

Maja Savic
Being Known


I think it is safe to say that what is happening with social media these days has gone out of hand — people posting about their perfect lives, canceling each other when we disagree, or sharing their most vulnerable moments.

Ever since I got into coaching, I kept hearing — be authentic, share your story, be real. We have been oversaturated with seemingly perfect glimpses of people’s lives, which set the bar high of how we should be living.

Let’s face it — life sucks sometimes, but we don’t share those moments.

To honor that we have created the opposite trend — being real on social media and showing our vulnerability. When I look at videos or posts of real stories, people respond really well. They think — finally, someone who is going through the same thing as me. It is a great way to connect with your community and build relationships. It is relatable and that matters these days.

But what if you’re a private and introverted person like me? What if you don’t want the whole world in your living room? What if the people in your life don’t really want to be exposed to the world?

What if you want to live in…



Maja Savic
Being Known

Holistic Coach & Healer, Spiritual Mentor, Meditation & Mindfulness Teacher, Vocalist and Motivational Speaker based in Paris. https://qinspiredlife.com/