A Tribute to My Mum

A poem

Rachel Reid
Being Known
1 min readApr 19, 2021


Usually, I pick up the phone and laugh
so hard my nose nearly splits in half.
Not always sure what the jokes are about,
but we always smile and giggles come out.

But that day I picked up the phone and cried.
Not sure why, I was sad inside.
But dearest mum, you’re always there,
and you gave the emotion a big fat scare.

And soon the laugh was back on my face,
and all those tears were quickly replaced
with happiness and inspiration once more.
So long sorrow, you can leave through the door.

While life isn’t always peaches and flowers,
sometimes there is mud, sometimes there are showers,
you’re my bright red rose among it all,
during winter, spring, summer, and fall.

You’re the reason I am where I am today,
when you tell me I can be whatever I say,
when you tell me I make you happy and proud.
So I thought it best I say it aloud.

If ever you need me to scare off your sorrow,
don’t leave our phone call until tomorrow.
I hope, by now, you get the gist.
And remember, you’ll always be top of my list.



Rachel Reid
Being Known

Writer, dreamer, marketer, mental health advocate. Awake, aware, grateful.