
A Poem of Regret

Sтepн Tнoмpѕoɴ
Being Known
Published in
Apr 9, 2021


Photo by Joey Nicotra Unsplash

What say you of sorrow
and things left behind?

Of threats born in anger
and sins of the mind — binding you,
shackled to the past…

Drowning in seas of regret you’ve amassed.

Cast them aside, I say leave them behind,
for dark is the shadow where guilty
men hide.

Abiding in hallows of deathly despair,
trapped in the darkness

© Steph Thompson 2021

Also published in Being Known…



Sтepн Tнoмpѕoɴ
Being Known

Mom of 4 | Daughter of the King | Award-Winning Writer | Poetess | Drabbler | Dragon Tamer | Runner for the Joy |✨