Dollar Billy

100-word story

Tina L. Smith
Being Known
Published in
1 min readApr 17, 2021


Photo by maria pagan on Unsplash

Skipping out the 7–11 door, Billy glanced around for Mom’s car. She was late. Again.

He slurped his frozen drink and jumped onto a parking block, pretending it was a balance beam. Arms extended, toes pointed. As he hopped off, he spied familiar green paper. Money!

He scanned the lot…no one was looking. He scooped up the cash and stuffed it into his pocket. Would he buy some candy? Put it in his new bike fund?

A familiar clunk sounded behind him. “Hurry up, Billy,” Mom called. “We need gas.”

He fingered the bill. Beaming. “I’m buying this time, Mom!”

© Tina L. Smith, 2021

About the author: Tina L. Smith is a Michigan writer who enjoys writing a range of genres that strike her fancy. You can read more about her and her work here:



Tina L. Smith
Being Known

Writer, humorist, animal lover, lifelong language geek (er, I proofread for fun). I write on diverse topics that catch my fancy. Everything but haiku(tm). [she]