
Let them open for you

Cristina Cmn
Being Known
1 min readAug 19, 2022


Photo by Julian Hochgesang on Unsplash

I lost count of the number of doors I pushed when it said pull and blamed the stubborn door.

Revolving doors spun me around and regurgitated me in the same breath, more times than I am ready to admit.

I banged head-first mirror doors, what was I thinking when I saw myself approaching? Hello???

I mistook reflections and missed just as many non-door-looking entrances.

I bulldozed my way through the most welcoming wide-open door just as many times as I underestimated the effort needed to encourage the door to open.

I forced walled doors, to then find, surprise? A wall.

I hit doors time and again and ended up knocking myself down.

Oh Dear, I could write a manual on how to force your way through life, but I don’t see a market ready for it.

Reminder to self, if it doesn’t open, it’s not my door, if stuck is where I need to be, then be it.

I want to trust doors will slide open effortlessly, just because of my presence and purpose.



Cristina Cmn
Being Known

Before the straightjacket feels comfortable again, I hit "publish", then, ca va sans dire, I re-edit my heart out until it is good enough.