First Day of Life

Hello World

Joy Lin
Being Known
2 min readOct 20, 2021


Photo by Luma Pimentel on Unsplash

I believe in reincarnation. Since developing as a spiritual medium, I have added the concept of soul lessons and experiences to my belief systems.

If the soul is constantly growing and learning, I imagine it like going to school. It needs to pass exams or life lessons (subjects) until you master the soul masters it. And if it fails, it needs to repeat the lesson in another life.

Throughout the school of life, you have a tutor (guide or guardian angel) who guides you with the lessons.

I can imagine how the first day of school (a new life) will be like.

Guide: Ready?

Me: Do I have to go? Maybe I can just wait a bit. Go next year or something.

Guide: Your new family is waiting for you. They are so excited to meet you.

Me: What if they don’t like me? Maybe someone else should go instead.

Guide: rolls eyes Let’s go, it’s time!

Me: Ok, ok… breathe.. Just breathe.

Guide: It will be fine. You will do just fine. Plus, I will be with you. Just listen to your inner voice, and that will be me.

Me: Easy for you to say, you don’t have to go live in that crazy world. Love, career, bullies, lessons…Oh my God, on my God.

*panicking and grabbing onto my guide*

What if I forget all that I have learned from before? Wait, wait, I learned something about love last time? If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, wait, wait, what does it mean if it comes back? What happens? Oh my god, I don’t remember! I won’t find love! What happens if I don’t find love? I will be alone, I will die, and then I have to come back here! Oh my god!!

Guide: looks at me impatiently. Are you done?

Me: I am not ready. I am so not ready.

Guide: Pulls me towards this long dark tunnel with a light at the end of it. You will be fine. Trust.

Guide: Push

Meanwhile on Earth

Doctor: And one more PUSH!

Me: Cries

Doctor: Congratulations, it is a girl!

You come into this life not remembering a thing but knowing all you need to know.

A lifetime of experiences wrapped up lessons from the school of life. You just forget and have to trust in yourself that your intuition will guide you.

You’ve done it before, and you got this!



Joy Lin
Being Known

My name is Joy Lin and I have been a spiritual medium for over 10 years. For more information on my journey and services go to