Forever a Child of Divorce

Abecedarian poem

Galit Birk, PhD
Being Known
Published in
2 min readMar 20, 2021


Photo by Nate Neelson on Unsplash

A long time ago, I was
Born, a
Child of
Eternally affected as such, despite attempts to
Forgo this reality, a
Great divide between myself and others unlike me.
Hurled into a world that would never be the same
I thrived despite it
Juggled two families
Kindled different parts of myself
Longing always to belong
Made to feel the same
Neglecting the fact that I’m simply not…



Galit Birk, PhD
Being Known

Psychology, human potential, therapy, coaching, possibility, vulnerability, authenticity, connection, being known, giving my words wings! Perfectly imperfect.