Girl in the Air

skydiving, but in words

Being Known


Photo by Kamil Pietrzak on Unsplash

he holds my hand and signals
that this is happening.

the schoolgirl in me takes over
my stomach all but erupts with a kaleidoscope of butterflies;
freshly formed,
free from cocoon and eager to fly.

the smile slips onto my face
and settles before I can catch it
it gets so comfortable that I can’t help but leave it there

it’s supposed to be scary up here
at heights like this,
and in a vessel that just about holds me together.

but the expanse is beautiful
the earth looks up,
calls out to me like a warm pair of arms
beneath a far up sky

it looks like home
because it is.

the wind whistles,
goes and comes right back like a long lost friend-
and so I answer
I step further
and I leap.

The Backstory

I wrote this after looking for poetry prompts which I then clearly abandoned. I can’t say that I’m disappointed because now I’m considering sky diving. The mind really leads you where it wants to.

I have never been skydiving.

I haven’t even been in a plane since 2009, but I think it’s time. With the monotony of my routine right now, I think it’d be interesting to try something new, although I might begin with indoor skydiving first. And even if it’s terrible, I reckon it would be pretty good for the plot.

More realistically I think it’s time to travel and see something else.

Obviously, this poem is the romanticized version. I think I might be rewriting it if I actually try it. I am a scaredy-cat (haven’t heard that word in a long time) when it comes to heights and new experiences. But I keep being reminded of just how short life is.

It might not be skydiving or travelling for you, but do allow yourself to take the leap every once in a while.

That’s all I wanted to say. Thank you for being here.


