
A haiku — July prompt invitation

Galit Birk, PhD
Being Known
Published in
2 min readJul 5, 2021


Photo by HANNAH BARTMAN on Unsplash

Dare to imagine
All the possibilities;
Spread your wings and fly!

I dare you to imagine all the possibilities for yourself and your life; dream big, dream small, just dream!

What might you imagine for yourself and your life if all the obstacles were handled?

Being Known’s Monthly Writing Prompt is Dare to Imagine! This month I invite you to indulge your imagination! Dare to dream!

Unleash your inner child, the one that didn’t live life with a series of what-ifs, constrained by limiting beliefs, but rather allowed him/herself to be swept up in the magic of the dream!

This month I want you to tap into that magic. Whether you indulge in your dream life (and then create action steps to get there), or create a vision board, or dream up lollipop bushes -the possibilities are endless when we allow ourselves the freedom to simply imagine.

So go; spread your wings and fly! Tag this prompt poem, tag your friends, submit a story, essay, or poem and join the fun.

I hereby tag the following to get us started: Carolyn Riker, Sarah L. Harvey, Sтepн Tнoмpѕoɴ, Heather C Holmes, Randy Shingler, Samantha Lazar, Jupiter Grant, Geetika Sethi, Vixen Lea, Alison Jacobson, Naomi Leila, Aimée Gramblin.



Galit Birk, PhD
Being Known

Psychology, human potential, therapy, coaching, possibility, vulnerability, authenticity, connection, being known, giving my words wings! Perfectly imperfect.