Inner Child

A poem

Michelle Lovett, LCSW, E-RYT
Being Known


Photo by Senjuti Kundu on Unsplash

when I Mother my inner child
I sing stories of respect
and I listen
I listen to her and invite her to sing along
she and I harmonize our song and never miss a beat
we shine us gals
her in her yellow curls
me with my mat for meditation
she knows I will feed her
she knows I will feed my own soul
as not to steal her light away

when I Mother my inner child
we write poems in the sky and never check our spelling
we run like mad and fall hard
breaking bones and mending them in the same breath
we tell the truth
about chocolate and ice cream
we tell the truth about fat thighs and happy full-figured moons
we stuff our faces make a mess and always ask for second
and we get them

because when I Mother my inner child
she knows
that she can’t have her anger and eat it too
but there is enough cake for everyone
she knows
that when the fat lady sings it’s only just the beginning
she knows
to believe in her power
to take her time
to empty her mind
and make room for angels

©Michelle Lovett 2001



Michelle Lovett, LCSW, E-RYT
Being Known

I believe in Coffee, Miracles, Humans & Divine. I trust in rhythm, beating hearts/open & breath/deep. Trees are my favorite color & words my favorite toy.