Lotus Flower Song

A Haiku Series

Being Known


Image by Author and midjourney AI

like a lotus bud
blooming fresh amongst the muck
a brave composer

wove his dark story
into beautiful music
mesmerizing all

we humans suffer
but our stories connect us
why don’t people share?

Great music and works of art can certainly stand alone. But how much richer is a song after you hear its composer’s story? How uniquely human, to learn of someone’s struggle with dark suicidal thoughts and to recognize that those very challenges were what inspired him to ascend and create the sounds that stirred his audience. Thank you, Sara D, for sharing the story of your young artist friend and the lotus flower parallel.

I wish more people would be honest about their journey and willing to share. It’s our imperfections and struggles that bind us together. But so many people tend to suffer in silence instead of speaking their truths. I hope this Haiku series gives someone the courage to tell their story, to be known! Not the polished version with the neat ending, but the messy raw parts, where the ending is still uncertain and you’re not exactly sure where it’s all going. Wherever you are, you are not alone!

