

Jacqueline Brown
Being Known
1 min readDec 9, 2022


Photo by Osmany Mederos

When I walk down the streets of Miami

There’s so much to see

Coral flowers blowing in the summer breeze

Strangers dancing in the moonlight

Spanish guitars singing the tunes of new love

I’ve walked these streets many times before

But of all the things I expected to see one night

I didn’t expect to see you

Sitting at a candlelit table

Looking so perfect and blue.

But at that table, it’s not just you

It’s you and someone new

And goodness, you look at her

Like you once looked at me

Full of passion and fire

With an ocean of stars in your eyes

As tourists pass by

I can’t help but watch and wonder

What I did

To make you fall out of love with me

Was it something I did?

Or something I said?

I’ll never know, so I will sit here

On this lonely, bustling street corner

And watch you laugh with her

As I wonder about an answer

That you will never give me.



Jacqueline Brown
Being Known

Writer, dreamer, wanderer ✨ I write stories and poems about life and anything else that comes to my mind. Hmu at