My Best of 2020

A 20 of 2020 writing tour

Galit Birk, PhD
Being Known


Photo by Irina Babina on Unsplash

I feel like the only person who didn’t start baking this year.

If your newsfeeds looked anything like mine in 2020, every soul across the globe seems to have started baking from sourdough to cookies to every variety imaginable and beyond of challah; sesame, cinnamon, chocolate, rainbow-colored, you name it! With restaurants at limited capacity or closed and people at home with way too much time on their hands, ovens have gotten their spotlight in 2020.

I, however, channeled my creative energy outside the kitchen and onto a keyboard; bringing my insides out and giving my words wings.

Writing became my baking; my outlet, my thing that I looked forward to, my contribution to mankind — my covid passion project. And with far fewer calories than sourdough!

As I reflect on my passion project, which I began post-breakup and mid-lockdown, I am present to the gift that this endeavor has been for me; the gift that keeps on giving.

Not only did writing on Medium serve as a powerful outlet for my strong emotions as I navigated a difficult breakup during a global pandemic as a single mom of two school-aged kids (suddenly virtual-schooling) while…



Galit Birk, PhD
Being Known

Psychology, human potential, therapy, coaching, possibility, vulnerability, authenticity, connection, being known, giving my words wings! Perfectly imperfect.