Self-Soothing After Being Triggered

By giving yourself time to reconnect on the inside, you also give yourself respect and self-kindness

Carolyn Riker
Being Known


Photo by Siddharth Bhogra on Unsplash

When I’m triggered, it’s usually because I’m already exhausted and my boundaries are overstretched. And then BOOM — there’s a trigger! It can be almost anything like someone raised their voice at me, or I watched a movie with a disturbing scene, and then I spin out, over and under, and into a messy crash landing, wondering what just happened to me.

Triggers provoke former traumatic or hurtful memories. Triggers can also be a warning sign to alert you when your boundaries feel crossed.

According to PsychCentral, an online mental health publication:

“Triggers are very personal; different things trigger different people. A person’s triggers are activated through one or more of the five senses: sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste. A combination of the senses is identified especially in situations that strongly resemble the original trauma.”

Triggers are like a taproot into the center of traumatic memories. We store memories not only in our minds but also somatically. Therefore, our bodies will react. We might feel sweaty, can’t…



Carolyn Riker
Being Known

Carolyn's latest book, The Colors I Hear, is now available!