Splattered Rain

A poem

Randy Shingler
Being Known


Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Windows splattered by windblown rain
Listening to its steady musical rhythm
As darkness falls in night’s late hours,
Sky devoid of light from moon or stars
While lashing rain continues its march.

Delving deeply into contemplations
Philosophical musings about this life
Divining nature of human existence,
Why we are here, and how to live?
Will legacies be bequeathed when we depart?

Is there a mysterious creative source?
Responsible for all that has gone before
And events taking place here and now
Where will all beings eventually go?
After breaths of life are no more.

Escaping from philosophical musings
Hearing rain’s steady musical rhythms
Wind splattered patterns against windows
Heightened senses arise in nature’s wake.



Randy Shingler
Being Known

Writer, Poet, Essayist, Meditator, Compassionate Being, Top writer in Poetry,History, and Diversity.