There is Always a Way Around

But it might be ugly

Heather Jauquet
Being Known


Photo by Nathan McBride on Unsplash

“There is always a way out of a situation. Might be ugly. Might leave you feeling like the earth has gone and shifted under your feet. But you are never trapped, Alice. You hear me? There is always a way around.” — Margery O’Hare, The Giver of Stars by Jojo Moyes

Twelve years ago I left a job I loved. I left after a year of daily tears and gaslighting by the administration. I left after months of someone tapping at my office door and crooking a finger at me in a “come here” motion while I was in a meeting as if I was a naughty child.

I left after email upon email requesting my entire schedule from the time I walked into the building until the time I left as if I wasn’t working if they couldn’t account for my whereabouts…my whereabouts being in other people’s classrooms teaching them how to use strategies and tools to teach reading in their subject areas, or doing observations.

I was once called on my way to a documented meeting off-campus to come back and return a school laptop I was using after my meeting because a member of the admin team needed it, only to find out that the person who called me also failed to…



Heather Jauquet
Being Known

Writer. Wife. Mom. Runner. Crocheter. Cancer patient in a pandemic.