What Comfort Zone?

A haiku

Galit Birk, PhD
Being Known


Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash

Comfort zone — you keep
Me safe, and small. It’s time to
Let you go and grow.

As they say, the comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing grows there. Dare to leap out, or even take baby steps out of your comfort bubble, be it with your writing or in other areas of your life. Join in on Being Known’s January writing prompt; What Comfort Zone? If you typically write prose poetry, try a 100-word microfiction or a new poetic style. If you write essays, try a haiku or an abecedarian poem! The sky is the limit. Have fun with it, tag this piece, and tag your friends to invite them to step out of their comfort zones too!

I hereby invite the following writers to play along: Aimée Gramblin, Sarene B. Arias, Victor Sarkin, Randy Shingler, Samantha Lazar, Connie Song, Suntonu Bhadra, James G Brennan, Michelle Marie Warner, Nicole Linke, Doug Ecks, Gayle Kurtzer-Meyers, Paula Light, Vixen Lea, Deeksha Agrawal, Rica Keenum, Geetika Sethi.



Galit Birk, PhD
Being Known

Psychology, human potential, therapy, coaching, possibility, vulnerability, authenticity, connection, being known, giving my words wings! Perfectly imperfect.