Intersex people from Nepal share their stories

Jensen Byrne
Being LGBTI in Asia
2 min readApr 29, 2016

28 April 2016

Cover page of the recently released compendium of experiences — Stories of Intersex People from Nepal.

Kathmandu, Nepal — A first of its kind publication gathering together the personal stories of intersex people from throughout Nepal was launched today. This compendium of intersex experiences, titled Stories of Intersex People from Nepal, provides us with a vulnerable and poignant insight into the realities of growing up intersex in Nepal.

These personal stories were gathered during the first national intersex meeting in Nepal held on 8–9 February in Kathmandu which was jointly supported by two regional UNDP programmes — Being LGBTI in Asia and the Multi-Country South Asia Global Fund HIV Programme.

Esan Regmi, the facilitator of this meeting and a primary intersex activist from Nepal worked tirelessly to compile this collection:

“During this meeting I asked the participants to share with me their stories. I have gathered them here in this small publication as a beginning. A beginning of a national movement and also a national voice. We are intersex. We exist, we are here, and these are our stories. Do not neglect us in your work, please include intersex people and issues in your human rights work.”

This compilation is the first to provide a dedicated voice to intersex people in Nepal. We thank those who contributed to the publication for their willingness to share their personal stories.

The collection can be downloaded here:



Jensen Byrne
Being LGBTI in Asia

Human Rights, Advocacy, Communications, Social Media