Scared Sh*tless

Being Rahmah
Being Rahmah
Published in
3 min readMar 31, 2018
photocredit: John Hain on Pixabay

Some might call me a drama queen, others overly reactive. I just can’t help it. I am reading and watching my home land, my country in such turmoil at the hands of a psycho at best. While the lawsuits against him and his administration are piling up with no end in sight. The bodies tossed to the side are also piling up as well. Job security? Don’t think so, when you work for the “You’re Fired! King.

Not that long ago Gary Hart withdrew from his Presidential campaign after being caught in an purported extramarital affair. Yet, despite mounting evidence Mr. Trump continues to deny the affair he “allegedly” had with Stormy Daniels. Any person with a pinch of common sense would have realized it was over a while back and look for the least damaging way out. Maybe there isn’t one, is the only thing anyone can reasonably think. All roads lead to one place and so he continues to stay in the same place.

I really don’t like even browsing the headlines anymore. Each scathing report just makes that pit sitting in my stomach get bigger. I also can’t see when the Trump smog will clear away. We can continue to hope it will, but for now these leading stories continue to plague my fears:

  1. Changes to the census that are politically motivated that will only lead to inaccurate information.

2. Proposed weakening to emissions and fuel economy standards — just imagining the effect of this on air quality in the US. I already live in a country where air quality has been an issue. It has improved in recent year, but what kind of precedent will these changes set for other countries that look to the U.S. as a standard? I just have to wonder about the rationale for that.

3. Russian chaos — Ok, this is only mildly concerning. Still, it is something worth keeping an eye on.

4. Attacks on eCommerce businesses beginning with Amazon — I love Amazon and it has been a godsend for me when my trips to visit family are short. I can get all my needs shipped to me allowing me to spend the most of my time with family instead of in stores. Perhaps, Mr. Trump thinks this will help American businesses. It will hurt consumers in multiple ways. Oh, but he doesn’t care about them, only his BIG Business Buddies.

I try to dismiss 75% of what hits my various social media timelines, but it is becoming harder to differentiate the #FAKENEWS from the real stuff. The line is becoming more and more blurred and I truly believe this is the work of Mr. Trump to create this sense of doubt in our heads. You read the headline, the writer, the source and shake your head — literally thinking ‘this can’t be for real’ only to discover a few days later that indeed it is.

The number of #OMFG moments I have had since Trump came into office I can’t even count anymore. His lack of a real response to the school shooting, a response to the school reactions to students walking out in protest all reflect on his inability to validate his leadership. He is, at least in my mind, a raving lunatic bobble-headed president. He has achieved nothing for the American people. His achievement benefit only his friends, his business, other businesses and other world leaders.

He continues to shift blame to Obama who at least was a people’s President instead of a sellout to BIG Business. I don’t know why he continues to compare himself thinks he is the better President. It just continues to make him look foolish and doesn’t achieve anything, than making people wish Obama was still their President.

The American people need a President who cares about them. Mr. Trump is not one that does and the longer he remains in that office I am Scared Sh*tless of his every tweet, decision, action, word, and reaction. #DumpTrump



Being Rahmah
Being Rahmah

Hi I am Rahmah. I write on various subject, but mainly against the current political anti-heroes. Follow me here and on Twitter @beingrahmah.