The Suspension of Belief

Mark Walter
A Monastery for Everyday Life & Leisure
3 min readApr 23, 2017

Gravity is a decision, and in some cases a predisposition, to orient in a particular direction. A decision to orient in the opposite direction of gravity can be called orientation in the direction of anti-gravity. Such decisions are made by a force we can call consciousness. Consciousness, in this case, is referring to a thought-force or mind action that precedes any physical manifestation resulting from the decision to orient one way or the other.

Gravity can also be described as the magnetic attraction of one or more smaller objects to a larger object. The greater the number of smaller objects being attracted to the larger object, the greater the larger object’s sphere of influence becomes. It becomes more or less attractive.

To offset the influence of gravity — the influence of which can become so pervasive as to become habitual or ‘natural’ to our behavior — a counter-balance to the attraction of gravity must be available. This counterbalance can be referred to as the attraction of antigravity.

If the opposite attractions or forces are equal, i.e. if we are equally attracted to or in consideration of both of these fields, then a state of suspension can exist. In this case, suspension can be visualized as a form of neutral buoyancy.

There is the saying, “What goes up, must come down.” This saying is pre-disposed to gravity. Interestingly, we rarely hear, “What comes down, must go up.”

If we consider both of these sayings equally, however, we can find ourselves suspended between them. But because we do not consider both concepts equally, we find ourselves predisposed toward one of them, toward gravity, toward the direction of ‘down’. Consequently, we are therefore predisposed to being attracted to objects (or even concepts, people or goals) with a larger (gravitational) mass or influence. Thus, the ability of every man and woman to be capable of thinking for themselves, freely so, becomes greatly diminished. This is because in our diminished state, we incorrectly attribute our own individual and exceedingly modest free thinking to grand and unrestrained Free Thinking. Since our thinking and behavior is so restricted and restrained, we are easily influenced or even manipulated by forces greater than ourselves.

In a sense, in the presence of a larger body, the power of gravity can act as an interference field. Similar to static noise on a radio, the interference overrides clarity. Without clarity, a smaller body’s ability to make a free will choice is inhibited.

If we are born, live and die within the sphere of a larger body’s gravitational force, no other choice is known. When there is no other known choice, how can there truly be free will? Within the constraints that a much larger force naturally imposes, the smaller body finds itself subjected to force, not choice. Thus the saying, “I feel I am somehow being forced to live a life not completely of my own choosing.”

If we believe or can point to evidence that we are bound by the rules of gravity, who can argue otherwise? This fundamental inability to debate or even consider that we are not necessarily bound or forever doomed by the force of gravity is a major indicator of our stunning scientific and psychological ignorance of the nature of reality and consciousness.



Mark Walter
A Monastery for Everyday Life & Leisure

Construction worker and philosopher: “When I forget my ways, I am in The Way”