Fundamental Ontology = Existential Analytic of Dasein

Being & Time
Published in
2 min readMay 4, 2013

It is not “I think, therefore I exist.”

but rather

“I am in the world therefore I exist.”

Organizing everything around Transcendental Apperception and thought is a mistake because it implies that we are dis-embodied. But this is the emphasis of the tradition since Plato and Aristotle and it was preserved in Descartes and Kant as well as Hegel.

Rather DaSein as Being-There is a place where things appear, a clearing, an openness in which gestalts manifest. That is then an openness to what ever appears on the horizon of the world.

Yet Dasein is also a being, so that makes it a being-in-the-world that it is open to. What I call a Meta-system in as much as it is a situation, a context, a place in which things appear. What appears is a gestalt, or some other schema.

There are a hierarchy of Schemas:

Meta-system (OpenScape)

These are the schemas posited by S’ hypothesis of General Schemas Theory. And there are two schemas per dimension and two dimensions per schema. These schemas stretch from the -1 to the 9th dimension. System and Meta-system share the fourth dimension.

The world is the furthest horizon of experience. That is why it is the ultimate horizon for Dasein. Kosmos & Pluriverse or Monad & Facet are scaffolding outside of experience. Each of the schemas are templates for understanding Spacetime configurations. They are ontological a prori spacetime syntheses for ontic phenomena.

The meta-system is the first of these schema that everything must be in. You can be outside a system, but you cannot be outside a meta-system, or a domain, or a world.

By picking the meta-system the There of spacetime for Da-Sein we have a coherence of a whole less than the sum of its parts within which other things appear. It is an open or clearing in which other things appear.

The existenital analytic of Dasein looks at how experience is constituted within the openness of Dasein on the basis of its self-projection of the horizon which everything is IN. It is fundamental ontology because Being is seen as the basis for the projection within the clearing.

All ontologies that name things, are depended on the actual arising of things within the clearing that gives us our experience of things.



Being & Time Systems Engineer, Realtime Software Engineer, Systems Theorist, Philosopher, Ontologist. Blog: Quora: