The radicalization of an essential tendency-of-Being of Dasein

Being & Time
Published in
2 min readMay 5, 2013

We can study Being by studying that entity which no only has Being but projects it within its world, and understands it world through Being. There is a tendency of Being within dasein that we can use as the basis of our study of Being itself.

But of course Heidegger rooted as he is in the Indo-European tradition and in German philosophy which is embedded in that tradition has no idea that there is anything else besides Being. So his particular existentiell situation as being rooted in the Indo-European tradition does not bode well for a production of a universal view of human dasein, where existenz is interpreted beforehand as the projection of Being.

If we take up this line of reasoning then we have to ask to what extent Being as a concept is universal even though Being as a grammatical construct only exists in Indo-European languages as an anomaly. And we must ask whether the possession of Being is an Aryan trait and thus more closely connects Heidegger’s philosophy to Nazism. In other words, Being for us Being becomes problematic in a way that it was not for Heidegger. But on the other hand by problematizing Being we get a view of the Western Worldview as it is embedded in the Indo-European tradition that we would not otherwise get. And of course this also raises the question of the nature of existence beyond the Indo-European tradition, i.e. beyond Existenz, dynamic projection of Being by Dasein. In other words if our existentiell were not grounded in a tradition with Dasein as the projector of Being then our existential analytic might be very different from that provided by Heidegger. So that is a perspective we want to keep in mind in our further reading of B&T, if there is any further reading. We have closely read the introduction. We have taken it as a provocation for introducing other ideas that go beyond Being and Time and might be used to situate it as a project. We see that if we break it up into chunks it is not so hard to digest as perhaps we thought initially.



Being & Time Systems Engineer, Realtime Software Engineer, Systems Theorist, Philosopher, Ontologist. Blog: Quora: