Alternative to Less Secure Apps Gmail (2022)

Google announced that it shutting down its less secure apps platform by 30th May 2022. Is this bad news for users?

Rakshit Shah


Alternative to Less Secure Apps, Exploring Zoho Mail for your Application Mail Services — Image By Author | (Edited with MS Powerpoint)

In this article, we will learn about how to use Gmail or SMTP alternative Zoho with java technology.

If you have used Less Secure Apps by Google to send an email from your Java, Javascript, PHP, or other technology used for your applications, you probably encountered Less secure app in your developer life. You turned on the allow secure apps toggle button in order to use free SMTP services for sure.

As we all know, google is giant in technology industries and they might have security aspects; so usually, they update their policies frequently every 6 to 12 months.

But the sad news about google's less secure apps is that Google deprecated or shut down “Less Secure Apps access” from your google account permanently to reduce vulnerabilities to your google account. To make your account more secure and with 0 vulnerabilities, they decided to stop supporting third-party applications which are just using email and passwords for authentication and using the SMTP services through their application on May 30, 2022. You can read more about Security Standards updated by Google on their support docs.



Rakshit Shah

Computer Engineer | Foodie | Traveler| Love to learn & earn new things in daily life.