Best Way To Add Country Flags Icon In Angular

A powerful approach to render country flag icons in your web apps.

Rakshit Shah


Country Flag-Icons using NPM & CSS Approach | Image By Author — Prepared with MS Powerpoint

In this article, you will learn about how to make a simple process to add flags or icons of the country flags in your fantastic web application, whether it is made using Angular, React, Vue, or any other Javascript framework, this approach will save you a lot of time for sure.

In case you are looking to get the country list from your database, here I prepared some MySQL scripts for a country list, state list, city list, and continent list. Please note that the above-given geolocation is available for EARTH only, not for the MARS yet.

Here I used the Angular project to demonstrate the CSS approach to add a number of flags within a minute. You need to add relevant classes made under the flag-icons third-party library.

Wondering, where will these country flags be used?

There are no limitations or restrictions for using flag icons or buttons unless you own your application. It will help you for,

  • Displaying user location in your app
  • While dealing with IP address or a country
  • Contact Information dropdown list
  • i18n —…



Rakshit Shah

Computer Engineer | Foodie | Traveler| Love to learn & earn new things in daily life.