How To Use Google Analytics in Angular, Track SPA

The ultimate guide for implementing Google Analytics in challenging Single Page Applications — SPA (i.e. Angular)

Rakshit Shah


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TL;DR — If you are looking for a way to track your Single page applications (SPAs) effectively, Google Analytics can help you out. In this ultimate guide we will show you how you can integrate google analytics to track the application performance and gain valuable insights for your efforts for which application you are making.

When someone asks about Tracking web pages for analysis, generally Google Analytics product by Google comes up first in your mind, Right?

Because Google Analytics is a popular, trending, and powerful analytical tool as it is providing multipurpose utilities to track the usage of your web pages, desktop, and mobile performance, it can also analyze targetted audience and their taste findings from your website or application. Tracking real-time audience, the source of referrals to your website, Keywords for SEO for your websites, etc., features are widely used from Google Analytics as per my research.

How to implement Google Analytics for your Static or Dynamic Web Page Application?



Rakshit Shah

Computer Engineer | Foodie | Traveler| Love to learn & earn new things in daily life.