Traditional and Non-traditional skillsets for UI/UX, graphic designers, and illustrators.

Published in
2 min readSep 6, 2020

What are traditional skills?

Traditional skills are an invisible thread between us and our ancestors which helps us understand how things are made.

In work or professional terms traditional skills are the ones that form the base of the particular field. we can also say that these skills are the most important ones.

What are non-traditional skills?

Non-traditional skills might be the ones that can benefit any job. We can also say that these are the supporting skills.

UI designer(user interface) — designer which focuses on the way the functionality is displayed and the fine detail of how users interact with the interface.

UX designer(user experience) — designer which combines research, strategy, and design to create seamless experience for the user. they make the product user friendly.

  • Traditional Skills
  1. Design principle
  2. Typography
  3. Color theory
  4. Wire framing
  5. Prototyping
  6. Animation
  7. Industry tools like sketch, adobe xd, photoshop, illustrator, adobe after effects etc.
  • Non-Traditional Skills
  1. Presentation skills
  2. Team work
  3. Cooperation
  4. Good listening skills
  5. Open-mindedness
  6. Time management
  7. Strong work ethics

Graphic designer — these designers create layouts using computer softwares, they work with images, typography to make a visually appealing piece for the client.

Illustrator — they also work with images and typography to make a visually appealing piece, but instead of computer softwares they use painting and skating as their tool and upload them to make digital copies.

  • Traditional Skills
  1. Editing
  2. Creative knowledge
  3. Typography
  4. 3D art
  5. Sketching
  6. Painting
  7. Color theory
  8. Geometry
  • Non-Traditional Skills
  1. Communication thoughts
  2. Expressive mind
  3. Writing skills
  4. Excellent observer

I hope you all enjoyed reading it and found it informative. Follow me on Instagram @beingtejaswini and Twitter @beingtejaswini for more interesting articles, creative designs, and ideas.

