#MyProductExperience with Stanley Chileke

Oluwatofunmi Awodiji
Being The Product
Published in
7 min readJun 14, 2020

“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.”― Eleanor Roosevelt

On Thursday, I had the opportunity of hosting my first ever Tweet chat on #MyProductExperience. My guest was Stanley Chileke (@Leysius), Product Specialist at Softcom Limited and also the former Student Council Chairman, Covenant University. He spoke passionately about his experience in the Product Space.

Stanley Chileke

It was such an enlightening chat and decided it was worth turning to a post and perhaps motivate someone to gain interest in the product space regardless of their background.

Let’s go on to see how the chat went.

Ajoke: Time for our TweetChat with @Leysius on his experience in the Product space. Especially as a new graduate and coming from a nontechnical background. Excited to have you Stanley and looking forward to an amazing chat. Please join our conversation with #MyProductExperience

Stanley: Good evening Tofunmi. Thank you for having me on this tweet chat. I am more than glad to provide needed answers that would guide others. #MyProductExperience

Ajoke: Before we dive into your product experience, how has the journey been as a graduate? From four walls to the real world, what has it been like in a year?#MyProductExperience

Stanley: The experience as a graduate has really been good because there was a plan. But what was obviously inevitable were the challenges to be faced. I have faced challenges that are currently shaping my daily decisions. The four walls of the university gave me a very strong foundation with which I am standing now. It is necessary that one leaves the university with a ready mindset and challenges will only be seen as lessons. #MyProductExperience

Ajoke: Great! Talking about plans, you graduated with a B.Sc. in Banking and Finance and now you work as a Product Specialist, what sparked the interest? Was this a plan right from school? #MyProductExperience

Stanley: What sparked my interest in a different career field was the need for a challenge. I needed to challenge and task myself into doing something entirely different from what I studied. My decision wasn’t based on that alone but also research went into what leading roles exist in the 21st century business world. I ticked my interests which drove me towards Business, learning and People. And the tech industry offers such an opportunity. So I decided to switch. Another aspect was I needed to choose a career path I would enjoy waking up to each day. Your interests as a person should guide your decision #MyProductExperience

Ajoke: A challenging role, I like that! Describing your day to day role might involve industry ‘big words’, but how would you explain it to a 13-year-old who is interested in becoming like you?#MyProductExperience

Stanley: Explaining my role as a Product specialist role to a 13-year-old would simply be:

  • Check what the market needs
  • Study responses and behaviors from the market
  • Suggest to the team based on what the market wants.
  • Guide building the product based on what the market wants.


Ajoke: Thank you for this breakdown! Working in a tech company, some people think there’s a need to be ‘technical’ (code, engineer, seemingly ‘tough’ stuff). How do you feel about that? #MyProductExperience

Stanley: Knowing the basics of coding is essential to be in the tech space. Because you’ll work with a team and you need to understand what they’re trying to say or you won’t even know what a “bug” is. But the tech space also has open opportunities for Business inclined people roles such as Sales experts, Partnership leads, Account managers and many more if you do your research. Do not close your mind towards it being all about coding. I studied finance and I am doing it in tech because I am more inclined in business and people.

Ajoke: Yes! These skills can be learnt, however some skills come more easily for people. Prior to working in the product space what major skills did you have and how have they helped in this role? #MyProductExperience

Stanley: Major skills needed for my role are Communication skills, NETWORKING skills, basic research and reporting skills, TEAMWORK and use of some necessary tools like the Excel sheet. These skills mentioned are top needs in any role.

  • Communication has helped me pass on my ideas and opinions and also with reporting and relating with team mates.
  • Networking has helped me reach out to people I have never met before to discuss business related issues. Building a community that helps me reach the right people
  • Basic research into the market & reporting what the market wants so as to make the product user-inclined.
  • Teamwork has helped me relate to my teammates roles and understand their timelines and how important their roles are also.


Ajoke: Love the skills set! Needed for success today. Before delving into the Product Space, you must have heard and researched a lot, what was the biggest myth or misconception you heard? #MyProductExperience

Stanley: The biggest myths were;

  • “It’s for only tech experts”
  • “You’re inexperienced”
  • “You didn’t study it”
  • “You cannot do it”

The first being the biggest myth. The product space is very much open to just about anybody who has the burning desire to solve problems.

Others mentioned were from people who knew me but did not understand my burning desire to solve problems in Nigeria and Africa at large. Chase what your heart has asked you to chase. Be determined and you will see the lines fall just in place for you.#MyProductExperience

Ajoke: Myths are made to be disproved. Thank you for doing just that. You are big on learning; what resource has helped you grow in this role? Any mentors or role models? #MyProductExperience

Stanley: On resource, I would say vast reading. Also, the ability to humble yourself to learn. Start like you know nothing, so there will be space for you to fill in what you will learn. Learning never stops. Keep reading too. Articles and write up.

On mentors and role models, my manager has been of great inspiration to me in my role. I have learned and still learning a lot from her. She is not on here, would have mentioned her.

Also @DadaBen_ is one of my role models in the tech space. Like I said earlier. Be humble. #MyProductExperience

Ajoke: Taking notes 📝. Congratulations on your ProductDive Scholarship! What was the motivation to take the product management course and how would you describe the course so far? #MyProductExperience

Stanley: Thank you. Motivation to take the courses was because I had no prior experience into the role, so it’s only wise I upskill by learning and understanding the rudiments more. Learning on the job would do a little justice but ProductDive would complete the process for me.

The ProductDive classes have been amazing. The future is looking golden. And I’m super excited that I got the scholarship. Thank you once again ProductDive. #MyProductExperience

Ajoke: Finally, there are soon to be graduates from different backgrounds (PR, engineering, tech, business, marketing, science) thinking of how to get into new fields, Product being a major one. What is one advice you’d give them for success? #MyProductExperience

Stanley: Okay great. For me, best way to get into a career path that is in line or away from what you studied is to start from your NYSC year. Do your research, checklist your interests so you don’t shoot yourself in the foot. You must be ready to learn! The university has only given you a foundation for you to stand. You must now build on it. Using your NYSC year to work in your desired path, gives you time to learn and then you’re thinking of upskilling yourself in that path by taken professional courses and certifications The future might look bleak now but when you plan and focus, follow the plan based on God’s plan, and it will be good.

The outside world is not scary, it is only ready for you, so you have to be super ready.

“If you don’t have a strategy, you’ll be in tragedy” — Tobi Otokiti

There’s a lot to be said, I can answer direct messages for anyone who needs. #MyProductExperience

Ajoke: Thank you so much @Leysius for this enlightening chat. Definitely learnt a lot and I’m sure a lot of people have too.

Continue to disprove myths and change the world,step by step through your skills Stanley.

The first #MyProductExperience was great 💃

Stanley: Thank you so much Tofunmi for the opportunity. God bless. #MyProductExperience

There you have it! Stanley Chileke spoke about his experience as a graduate in one year being in the product space and he’s doing great.

If there’s one thing I learnt from this, it is to never limit yourself and always put in the hard work.

Looking forward to seeing new graduates maximize the opportunity in the Product space.

By the way, I got to guest write on the Codengine blog and spoke about starting out in Product Management. I’m quite jealous I did not get to post it on here first but I’m also super excited to share my experience on Codengine.

Find the post here and enjoy 😄

With all my love, keep Being the Product!


