10 Signs of Predisposition to Infidelity in Long-Term Relationships

It is not a lack of love but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages. — Friedrich Nietzsche

Grant H Brenner MD DFAPA


Photo Credit: Grant H Brenner

We live in a time when relationships, sexuality, and identity are being reconceptualized. At the same time, infidelity and marital difficulties have been the stuff of legend and literature since the earliest recorded history. Religious texts, literature from every culture, entertainment, and everyday social discourse abound with titillating and trouble tales of betrayal and transgression. The tension between fear and fascination, moral condemnation and justification, the need for stability and novelty, and myriad other dissonances and drives make commitment and vow-breaking intensely interesting.

The Changing Landscape of Long-Term Commitment

Modern marriage is a shifting target as culture evolves faster than we can adapt, as technology connects us and alienates us from one another, and as medical and health advances extend the human lifespan, reframing what “‘til death do us part” actually means. Per the CDC, as of 2019, there were over 2 million marriages in the U.S., representing a marriage rate of 6.1 per 1000 people. The number of divorces was almost 750,000 that year, with 2.7…



Grant H Brenner MD DFAPA

Psychiatrist, Psychoanalyst, Entrepreneur, Writer, Speaker, Disaster Responder, Advocate, Photographer