10 Powerful And Compelling Reasons to Walk More Each Day

Fred Swartley
Published in
10 min readAug 17, 2023

Discover why walking is one of the best natural ways to improve your health

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Walking is as natural to human life as breathing. Humans have been walking the earth since the beginning of creation. Walking is a natural part of life for everyone who has a functional body and reasonable health.

Walking is very easy for humans to learn. Infants learn to walk after about one year. Once infants become toddlers, they start walking and running around everywhere. It becomes difficult to keep up with them.

Most people continue walking extensively throughout their lifespan. Most people can easily continue walking throughout their seventies, eighties and even nineties, although they may slow down with age. Some people have even continued walking after their 100th birthday.

Before vehicles became popular in the early 20th century, people walked almost everywhere. People walked to the grocery store. They walked to the river to draw water. They walked to church on Sundays. Children walked to school. Walking was a primary mode of transportation.

In remote regions of the world, many people today still walk long distances. Many shepherds and farmers in remote areas still walk about 10 to 20 miles a day in their daily work routine.

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However, in modern 21st-century American society, we walk very little. We drive everywhere. We drive to work. We drive to church. We drive to the shopping malls. We drive to the gym. We even drive to places that are only a few miles away.

Most of us today also have jobs that require us to sit for most of the day. We sit in front of a computer for eight hours a day. Then we drive home. Then we sit to eat supper. Then we plop on the sofa and watch TV all night. This equates to a day of much sitting and little movement.

All this sitting is not good for us. It leads to many health problems. Sitting increases the risk of heart disease, cancer, liver disease, kidney disease, stroke, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s. In fact, studies show that prolonged sitting increases the risk of death from all causes by 19 percent!

We need to walk more. Our bodies were created for movement and we cannot thrive without it. Walking has a plethora of health benefits for both the body and mind.

The Greek physician and father of modern medicine, Hippocrates, proclaimed walking to be “man’s best medicine.”

Here are 10 compelling reasons to walk more each day:

1. Aids in weight loss

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Many people turn to running when trying to lose weight. However, running is often not a very effective or safe way to lose weight. Running is very stressful on the joints, especially for a heavy person. This may result in injuries which may hinder the weight loss process. Additionally, the body adapts quickly to running and doesn't burn as many calories.

Walking is a more effective and healthier way to lose weight. Walking burns a lot of calories and is not stressful on the body. Walking also helps to preserve muscle mass, which aids in weight loss.

However, you need to walk a substantial amount to lose weight. Walking around the block two times is not enough to take fat off your body. Studies show that you must walk at least 30 minutes at a moderate pace five times a week to shed some pounds.

Just remember that walking must be accompanied by a healthy diet to be effective as a weight loss tool. If you are walking 10 miles a week but still gorging on donuts and cookies at every meal, you will fail to lose weight.

2. Reduces the risk of heart disease

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Walking is excellent for cardiovascular health. Walking increases the heart rate and gets the blood moving through the arteries. Walking lowers blood pressure and LDL cholesterol. Walking also makes the heart more effective at pumping blood.

One study showed that walking 150 minutes a week reduces the risk of coronary health disease by 19 percent!

Another study by the New England Journal of Medicine showed that walking the amount recommended by the CDC reduced the risk of heart disease by 30 percent.

3. Eases joint pain

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Walking is an excellent therapy for those with arthritis. Walking lubricates the joints and increases blood flow to the cartilage. Walking also loosens up the joints and increases mobility and range of motion. Additionally, walking strengthens the muscles around the joints. All these factors help to alleviate joint pain and arthritis.

One 2019 study by the American Journal of Preventative Medicine tracked 1564 adults over age 50 who had lower body joint pain. The study found that those who walked for an hour each week had less pain and greater mobility four years later.

4. Lowers blood sugar

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America has a blood sugar epidemic today. Studies show that over 37 million Americans have diabetes, and most of them have type 2 diabetes. This accounts for about 11 percent of the population.

Walking is one remedy that can be very effective in treating diabetes naturally. Walking helps move blood sugar into the cells to fuel the muscles. This lowers your blood sugar levels.

Walking is especially beneficial after meals. Blood sugar levels naturally rise after a meal, and walking for just a few minutes can help levels return to normal.

5. Improves Mood

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Walking is also a powerful tool to improve mental health. Walking helps relieve stress and take your mind off your problems.

Walking stimulates the brain to produce endorphins, which trigger feelings of pleasure and euphoria.

Studies show that walking just 10 minutes a day has a positive impact on mood.

One study by California State University showed a connection between the number of steps taken and the mood of a person. Greater numbers of steps resulted in a better mood.

Walking in nature is even more effective at relieving stress and improving mood. Likewise, walking with others provides a greater increase in mood than walking alone.

Walking can be an effective remedy for those with depression or SAD (seasonal affective disorder). Getting outside and walking during the winter can boost your mood and prevent the winter blues.

6. Stimulates creative thinking and problem-solving

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Walking also helps foster creative thinking and problem-solving. If you are trying to write a book, compose a song or start a business, walking will aid in these efforts. If you are wrestling to find the solution to family, work or personal problems, walking can help give you the answers.

Walking helps the brain become more active. It increases blood flow and oxygen to the brain. Walking also relieves stress and relaxes the mind. These factors allow the brain to think more clearly and creatively.

One study by Stanford researchers showed that creative thinking increases while a person is walking and even a little afterward. The study found that people could generate twice as many creative thoughts while walking when compared to sitting.

Charles Dickens was a famous writer, novelist and social critic. He was also an avid walker. Dickens often walked 12 miles per day and claimed that this aided his creative endeavors.

So the next time you are wrestling with a decision or problem, get outside and take a walk!

7. Helps prevent Alzheimer’s and dementia

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Walking can help delay the onset of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Many studies show that walking helps ward off cognitive decline. One study by the University of California tracked 6000 women ages 65 and older. The study found that the women who walked more had less memory decline. Those who walked 2.5 miles per day only had a 17 percent decline in memory, as opposed to the 25 percent decline in those who walked less than half a mile per week.

Another study by the University of Virginia Health System also found that walking helps prevent Alzheimer’s and dementia. The study showed that men between ages 71 and 93 who walked more than a quarter mile per day reduced their risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia by 50 percent.

8. Improves Sleep

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Millions of Americans struggle with some form of insomnia. Many are desperately searching for ways to improve their sleep.

Walking is a natural remedy that can greatly aid in sleep. Walking increases fatigue and helps you fall asleep faster at night.

One study of women ages 50 to 75 showed that those who took an hour-long walk every morning had better sleep than those who didn’t.

Another study revealed that walking improved both the quality and duration of sleep in both men and women.

9. Boosts Immunity

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Walking also helps to bolster the immune system. Walking improves blood flow and increases the number of antibodies. Additionally, walking activates the lymphatic system, which helps to fight pathogens and infections.

One study showed tracked 1000 adults during the cold and flu season. The study revealed that those who walked 30 to 45 minutes a day at a moderate pace had 43 percent fewer sick days than those who were sedentary.

Thus, walking can be an effective strategy to help prevent illness during the winter months.

10. Reduces Stress

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We all have stress in our lives. The demands of work, school, relationships and family leave us all feeling stressed and burnt out at times. We need to find healthy ways to release this stress.

Walking is an excellent way to relieve stress and anxiety. Walking boosts blood flow and oxygen to our body and brain. It releases endorphins and BDNF which help us feel happier.

Walking in nature is especially effective at relieving stress. Nature is a natural anti-anxiety tonic. The sights and sounds in nature are calming and soothing. The fresh air and sunshine are invigorating. Additionally, being out in a spacious area also helps us feel more free and relaxed.

So the next time you feel stressed and troubled, get outside and walk through the forest for 10 to 20 minutes. You will feel your problems wash away as you become absorbed in the beauty of nature.

Now you know the benefits of walking. But how far should you walk each day? What is the ideal distance to walk on a daily basis?

There is no perfect walking distance. Some may aim to get 10,000 steps in every day. Others may try to walk three miles per day. Ideally, you should aim to walk at least a couple of miles per day to reap the greatest benefits. The amount of walking that is most beneficial for you will also depend on your age and physical condition. Just try to walk as much as possible and make walking a natural part of your daily life.

But perhaps you struggle to find the time to walk. How can you incorporate more walking into your life?

Here are a few tips to add more steps into your daily routine:

  1. Take a walk before or after work. If you work at a desk job, taking a walk before or after work can be a good way to counteract sitting. Rise early and walk around the block a mile or two. Or you can take a stroll when you get home.
  2. Take a short walk at lunch break. If you have a long lunch break, you can take a short walk after eating.
  3. Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
  4. Park farther away from the store when shopping. This will make you walk more to reach the entrance.
  5. Rent a 2nd story apartment. This means that you will have to walk up and down the stairs every time you enter and exit the building.
  6. Participate in a 5k walk/run. You will walk 3.1 miles in this type of race. This is a good social activity also. Find a friend to join you.

7. Join a gym and walk on the treadmill.

8. If you live in the city, try walking to places that are close by.

9. If you live in the country, get a dog and walk it around your yard and neighborhood. This is a fun way to get more steps in.

10. Go for a hike.

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It’s important to find a pair of comfortable, high-quality walking sneakers. This will provide more support for your feet and ankles and will help prevent soreness. You may also enjoy walking barefoot if your feet are strong enough for it.

Walking should not be seen as a chore or burden. Walking should be fun, rejuvenating and relaxing.

Find methods and places of walking that you enjoy. This will make you more likely to stick to a walking routine.

Remember that walking is medicine. And it’s natural and free.

Happy walking!



Fred Swartley

functional nutritionist. writer. finance guru. follower of Christ. subscribe to my health and wellness newsletter: swartley.fred@gmail.com